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Creating a reset/Tare button


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I am trying to produce basically a set of scales. Once the system is powered on and the bowl placed on top I would like to Tare the output.  Here is an image of my ladder.


Manually if I take the value now displayed in RealForce and enter it into ForceX1 my display goes to 0000. This is all good but now I am trying to find what I need to be able to do this by pressing a button on the screen.

At present I am developing this on a USC-B10-TR22 but eventually will be transferring this to a V1210.

Cheers KevB

Leonardo Force Display.ulpr

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Flex727, that's much easier to understand now. 

I am still trying to get a Tare button working, I am applying a force to the load cell with a spring which I then need the user to be able to set the readout to 0. I know I need to input the value Force into Force X1 as when I do this manually my display zero's out, but I seem to be missing how to do this in the ladder. I have been unable to find any examples to look at so any help gratefully received.

Cheers KevB

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