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Password expired notification on UAC & saving password in data tables


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  • MVP 2023

Clarify what you mean by "password time expired".  Do you mean the password itself needs to be changed or the time the password screen is up has timed out?

The password saving in the data tables is fairly straightforward.  Look at the Help and download the UniLogic example programs - there are four data table programs included that may be helpful to you.

Upload your program attempt so we can see what direction you're going.

Joe T.


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Hello Joe,

Thank you for your quick response..


1. The system must enforce password aging and allow a definable period. -6 month per each user..

2. The system must de-activate any account not used for a period (90 days)

3. The audit trail must record changes to user access levels and privileges.

4. After 3 unsuccessful login attempts : user account must be locked for  3 minutes, notify alert message "Please try again after 3 min", Unlock  account after time is reachable..

 Please explain me how I can retrive UAC data  from table and use in my program..

Best Reards,

ILiya T.

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1 and 4 are planned for version 1.30

The user will be able to define aging per group

The user will be able to define the num of attempts and the inverval in minutes where the account will be locked.


I don't think that 2 is a good feature. If there is an admin account which is rarely used, but still needed, then deactivating it will cause problems, especially if its the only account that has a UniApps access. If you define password aging for an account, and it hasn't been used for 6 months, then it will not be functional until someone will need to use it and then need to replace the password.


I'm not sure what you want to do in 3. Changes are done in a group base. You want to know that a change was done to the UAC in general, to a specific group in general, or know exactly what levels were added to removed to each group on each download (shown in a log, f.e. the signature log)?

Is this request a part of CFR21?

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