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Uploading/Downloading with PLC not going

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Am trying to upload/download from a old V130-33-TR20.   I get and "Overflow, error 6".     Tryng downloading new OS, it goes as far as trying to delete files on PLC, and then quits, not being able to communicate with PLC unless turned off and back on.   Can go no further.

Any suggestions??


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Ausman, and Kratmel,

Thanks for your replies.   Yes am running Visilogic as Administrator.    And by the way, have also an even older V120, and I can communicate, program, download, upload to it, using same computer, software (the latest), and same cable with no problems.

.......am interested in restoring everything to factory settings, but not sure if there's such thing on these Unitronics.   Am going to look into taking battery out as some one mentioned in link provided by Kratmel.

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Don't know exactly what did it, but first removed battery.   After 1/2 hour reinstalled it and powered it up.  I could tell still had old program which did not expect.    Went into Communication and OS and reinstalled OS and Boot program and took it.    

.....after that was able to upload program that was there w/out error.    Looks good.

Thanks guys for your help.

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