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VNC Full Access Password Reset On Reboot

Andrea Tabanelli

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I succeded in setting a password from UniApps/Security for granting a peaceful VNC session...but when I rebooted PLC, the password was lost.

It's a real pity, because I woul like to install the Unistream 7" in a remote area of the plant, prone to power failures, and control it from the technical department office.

What can I do to solve this issue? Is it feasible?

Thanks in advance


(I beg your pardon, probably  it's more appropriate in the Unistream Hardware section...) 

Edited by Andrea Tabanelli
probably  it's more appropriate in the Unistream Hardware section
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It's my opinion too,

I asked to the integrator company who sold us the Unitronics plcs & vfds, they told me it's a safety feature...🙄 

Could it be a fw related issue?

Thanks in advance for your help...

At the moment we have the Unistream 7" fitted on 2 wine fermentors tankswe had  already sold, the client it's going to order us 10 more, but this problem could be a "no way" for him (he is a Omron supporter)...

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  • MVP 2023
On 11/22/2020 at 6:03 AM, Andrea Tabanelli said:

I asked to the integrator company who sold us the Unitronics plcs & vfds, they told me it's a safety feature...

No.  No it's not.

Saragani is one of the Creators.  You take take his word on it.  Send this issue to support@unitronics.com and see what they have to say.  This sounds like more of an OS bug.


Joe T.

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