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Can view but not export UDT file data


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Hello all. Hope anyone can help.

I received a UDT file.

It is a large one - about 20MB.

When opening in Data Tables Editor I get a message: exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was  thrown.

Nonetheless, I can see the data on the screen, and scroll till the end.

However, I cannot  export to csv or xls

Any help will be much appreciated.



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What Excel version do you have? 32bit or 64bit?

What Windows version do you use? XP, 7, 8.x, 10?

32bit Excel support 64K rows, so you have to use 64bit Excel version which on XP 64bit supporting near 1000000 rows.


Other recommendation is to use daily/weekly/monthly files to have relatively small files - number of MB.

Large files make access time wery long.

When there is a failure when big file used, then data may be not recoverable.

Take care that maximum number of SD stored files in folder is 64/60 files.

Store more files will lead to SD catalog corruption.



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