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Modbus V1210 connection with energy meter

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I have a problem with my V1210.

we have a energy meter with modebus TCP IP.

The measuring device is connected to the network port 502 but I have problems establishing a connection between the two devices. V1210 ethnet card connected in the network. Perhaps someone can help me to establish the connection and explain how I can get the various data from the measuring device to the V1210. Thanks for your efforts kurt


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  • MVP 2023

Let me repeat:

1 hour ago, Flex727 said:

Have you reviewed the example programs that came with your VisiLogic installation?

They can be found at Help / Examples, then drill down to Projects / Communication, then look at the examples for MODBUS. They will be for PLCs other than your V1210, but the ladder logic is identical. You probably want your PLC to be the MODBUS Master, so look at those examples.

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