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SNMP Protocol

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I am using a US5/7-x5-T42 combo unit in a small enclosure that customers often install in areas that are not easily accessible. So via Ethernet connection I have a FL WLAN 1101 ethernet radio set up as an AP for VNC access.  Sometimes these are standalone units and sometimes they are networked with PLC communication via wireless AP-Client mutually transparent bridge and EtherNet/IP. I dont always have the opportunity to do a site scan to make sure the radios leave configured the least amount of interference so I am trying to build in the ability to scan, display, and make changes to the radio configuration. The radio has an impressive GUI via web browser, but I don't see any way to make use of that with the model PLC i am using and I cannot switch models. So unless I missed something with being able to use a browser interface on the US5/7 T42, i have to use SNMP.  The functionality in the radio via SNMP is within their MIB's  but the problem I am having is calling the traps from the PLC. There really isnt a lot of documentation and instruction on using SNMP in Unilogic. At least I cant understand it from the little in the help section. Does anyone know if 1. I can use a browser on the model PLC I am using...in that case that makes things very simple for me. And if not, does anyone know how i can call and set values to traps via the PLC? 

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First please note that UniStream is SNMP agent that means the UniStream can send traps to SNMP client. Does your device is SNMP client or agent?

You can find in UniLogic help file how to configure and send the traps. If you are still not successful with sending traps please send the application and all details to support@unitronics.com

Please note that US5/7-x5 does not support web browser so there is no option to browse to the web page of your device.

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On 5/4/2021 at 3:23 AM, Ofir said:


First please note that UniStream is SNMP agent that means the UniStream can send traps to SNMP client. Does your device is SNMP client or agent?

You can find in UniLogic help file how to configure and send the traps. If you are still not successful with sending traps please send the application and all details to support@unitronics.com

Please note that US5/7-x5 does not support web browser so there is no option to browse to the web page of your device.

The device I would like the Unitronics US5/7 to communicate with would be the agent.  So I cannot get traps from another agent why would the general struct have both sent AND received tags?


Unitronics Traps sent & recieved.png

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