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Temperature sensor


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Hi, can anyone please advise me. This temperature sensor can be used for PLC Unistream U-USC-B10-TR22, 10DI, 2AI, 2TO, 8RO. If not, what sensor to use so that it can be used with this plc.

The project is a hygienic container where we need to measure the temperature of waste during fermentation.

Link for sensor: https://www.tme.eu/sk/details/se011/teplotne-sondy-a-adaptery/pico-technology/

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The Sensor is PT-100  and will NOT interface directly to the  USC-B10-TR22.

You can add the  UIS-04PTN   PT-100 Module,  or find a way to communicate with the  USB-PT-104   they supply.

( I do not see an English version of the documentation)



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