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Alarm history and SD-Card:

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Just checking:

I'm trying to avoid filling up the sd-card. 
Now I am controlling the SB 352 on SB2  "always" on bit.
Does this filling up the sd-card...... ?

Is there automatic remove of the oldest alarms ?

Best Regards,
Rainer Halme

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  • MVP 2023
6 hours ago, RHE said:

Does this filling up the sd-card...... ?

Fill time is obviously determined by the size of the SD card. 

PLC data is byte-size, and is not large at all.  I did a datalogging test a few years back when 4 GB cards where a thing, and I ran a once-per-second log of 30 time-stamped MIs.  After a month it had created a 250 kB csv file.

From the Help:


The PLC can support up to a 32 GB card.  If you put one of these in there I don't think you have to worry about it.

The oldest alarms are NOT removed.

Joe T.

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