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I'm trying to find out how/if I can add a branch to a line of programming in VisiLogic.  This is my first program I'm trying to write on there and am much more used to the RS Logix series.  I believe I have most of it figured out but the program I'm trying to write would be much easier with the ability to add a branch.  Does anyone know how I can do this?  Or a nice work around that will do the same thing?  I'd appreciate any input.

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46 minutes ago, PeterPan217 said:

I'm trying to find out how/if I can add a branch to a line of programming in VisiLogic.  This is my first program I'm trying to write on there and am much more used to the RS Logix series.  I believe I have most of it figured out but the program I'm trying to write would be much easier with the ability to add a branch.  Does anyone know how I can do this?  Or a nice work around that will do the same thing?  I'd appreciate any input.

What do you mean by branch, like this?  you can use the connect elements button to ... connect elements



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