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seleccion de plc vision para control pto

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  • MVP 2023

Unitronics has a very broad range of PLCs with different feature sets. There is much more information needed than you've given here in order to select or recommend a specific model. I strongly suggest you contact you local distributor and discuss your requirements with them to help narrow your choices.

You can also review the specifications listed on the Unitronics website to get an overview of what's available.

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  • MVP 2023

Translation - 

hello again, I already have a V430-J-TR34 plc and two DM542 controllers, I need help to connect and control the two axes


You're going to need to be a little more specific in what you want.  So it looks like you have a couple of these-


Take a look at this topic on how to wire them-



As far as how to control them, what is it you are trying to do?


Joe T.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hola Joe

asi es, cuento con dos controladores dm542

trato de hacer una cama de coordenadas, donde el eje "X" se mueva de lado a lado y el eje "Y" camine "N" cantidad de pasos cada que el eje "X" haga un recorrido de lado a lado, para esto voy a utilizar 4 limit switch 


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  • MVP 2023

Translation - 

Hello Joe

That's right, I have two dm542 controllers

I try to make a bed of coordinates, where the "X" axis moves from side to side and the "Y" axis walks "N" number of steps each time the "X" axis moves from side to side, for this I'm going to use 4 limit switch



Before you start writing your control program, spend some time learning how to move the steppers.  The HSO outputs are controlled by moving numbers into two registers defined in the Hardware Configuration for number of steps and frequency, and then setting an MB to start the pulses going.

I've attached a sample program.  Look at the Hardware Configuration on the High Speed Outputs (Step Control) tab for how to set up the HSO output.

You will probably want to implement the PTO function later, but for starters just get your stepper moving so you see if you get your wiring right.

Joe T. 

V430 HSO config.vlp

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  • 4 weeks later...

buen dia

tengo un programa para mover los dos motores con el controlador dm542, el problema de este programa es que ya tengo control de un motor "canal 0" pero teniendo la misma configuración en el "canal 1" no puedo hacer que se mueva el segundo motor

cual es el error o que configuración me falta?



encontré el error, configurando el jerk factor en 1, no lo habia pensado ya que el "canal 0" funciono sin esa configuracion 


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