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  • MVP 2023
2 hours ago, Ausman said:

??????     Registered to what?????

I think he means registered to this forum - or maybe his VisiLogic isn't registered. Either way, irrelevant to his question. I think the answer is no, but there may be workarounds (use indirects for all trend settings) if he doesn't need to see history data.

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no,  if you want to display all of them at the same time in the same screen, but you an split them. 

or you could enable a remote data logging service over a network and store everything on a computer. 

I recently implemented influxdb/telegraf stack and I collect data over modbus tcp/ip. then I use another software called grafana to make dashboards  and visualize data on a nice web browser based dashboard. 

I had like 15 trends splited over 2 screens in the PLC and now I no longer use the built in trends function. 

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