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I have a unistream US5-B10-TA30 plc......... ihave setup MODBUS  TCP connection to v570 plc using port 502------ but as this plc will be used as a replacement upgrade i need to use UDP --- i have set up as best i can but can not  connect --- ? are there examples or help to set -------up vic

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Hi I have V570 PLC [ET1]Master and [ET1]21 Slaves [10xV570-11 V280] as the ET1 cards are no more available.  If I upgrade my V570 PLC Master to Unistream  (unistream communicates with ET1 and ET2 cards) then  slave replacement  of ET1 I can use ET2 card [ ET1 cards don't communicate with ET2] hence the unistream master which communicates with ET1 or ET2  . As I am using  UDP in Master V570 -then replacement  to unistream I will not have to re-program slaves. Kind regards Vic

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 UNISTREAM UDP ----JOE TAUSER MVP2021 [Posted 3 February]------- seem to be in the same place as me when he answer someone question in regards to  UDP- Socket  selection  But also could not find any documents in help on how to move the data kind regards vic

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