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read string column from data table

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Hi, I'm sorry if such topic has already  been covered but somehow I couldn't find it. So I need to read string column from data table into something like list of text, but according to help files that states:


Not all Data Types are supported:

  • Unsupported types: Boolean, Byte, String, all 'Address of' types.

  • Supported Data Types: Integer (16-bit), Long, Float, Timer (32 bit)

 I'm not sure if this is possible. If yes, could I ask for a link to this topic?



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  • MVP 2023
4 hours ago, krolikbest said:

I need to read string column from data table into something like list of text

Normally, string data is stored in a vector of MIs, 2 characters per MI. You can easily read string data from a Data Table to an MI vector, but I don't think it's possible to directly transfer that data to a List of Texts HMI element. If there is some roundabout way to do this I'd love to know it.

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5 hours ago, Flex727 said:

Normally, string data is stored in a vector of MIs, 2 characters per MI. You can easily read string data from a Data Table to an MI vector, but I don't think it's possible to directly transfer that data to a List of Texts HMI element. If there is some roundabout way to do this I'd love to know it.

Yes, you can. there is a workaround for that that I found using the string library:


  1. you store the strings on a data table
  2. load strings in the Data table to the desired MI using the data table read function.
  3. Set up String Library (String Storage 1 row 5 or whatever ) with variables pointing to the MIs where the string is stored.
  4. From the List of Text HMI element selects the string from String Library.
  5. That's all.

Although depending on the application using String Storage instead of the Data table may be a better solution, I used the above because I set it up a list of descriptions and names that needs to be able to be updated, so it can not be a hard coded string.

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  • MVP 2023
9 minutes ago, Fernando Castro said:

Yes, you can. there is a workaround for that that I found using the string library:


  1. you store the strings on a data table
  2. load strings in the Data table to the desired MI using the data table read function.
  3. Set up String Library (String Storage 1 row 5 or whatever ) with variables pointing to the MIs where the string is stored.
  4. From the List of Text HMI element selects the string from String Library.
  5. That's all.

Although depending on the application using String Storage instead of the Data table may be a better solution, I used the above because I set it up a list of descriptions and names that needs to be able to be updated, so it can not be a hard coded string.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • MVP 2023
On 9/26/2022 at 1:40 PM, Fernando Castro said:

Yes, you can. there is a workaround for that that I found using the string library:


  1. you store the strings on a data table
  2. load strings in the Data table to the desired MI using the data table read function.
  3. Set up String Library (String Storage 1 row 5 or whatever ) with variables pointing to the MIs where the string is stored.
  4. From the List of Text HMI element selects the string from String Library.
  5. That's all.

@Fernando Castro, thank you for this. I suddenly had a pressing need for this strategy on my current project and it worked perfectly.

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