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Unilogic Software + Keyence 1000/2000 Scanner


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I am  learning + working with Unitronics PLC  very first time. Anyone worked with Keyence 2000 barcode reader scanner before? or Anyone knows where I can find sample PLC Program of Keyence 2000 barcode scanner for UniLogic software? 

Please help me out, your help would be appreciated.

Thank You 

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Hello Kratmel,

Thank you for quick response.

PLC model: USC-X5-B1 and Communication interface will be Ethernet/IP.

However, I am still waiting for customer approval for scanner model. But they mentioned it will be either Keyence 1000 or Keyence 2000. 

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Hi Akash.

I used an SR-1000 with a Unistream 15.6. I have attached the exported ladder function, related to the bar code(in my case, QR code) reader. I used Ethernet IP to communicate and have also attached a screen shot of the Ethernet IP settings used.

It was 6 years ago and I was just learning Unilogic, so I am guessing there may be an easier solution, but this one has been running perfectly since installation.

I can't send you the entire program for proprietary reasons.  The logic is a bit involved, but I have commented extensively, so you should be able to sort things out with what I can provide.

The Unistream was programmed with Unilogic version

I have also attached a configuration file for the scanner. You will need the Keyence software (Auto ID Network Navigator v6.5, is what I used)

Hope this helps.

Ethernet_IP settings.docx STN4 QRIR Station.ulle SR-1000 Config.ptc

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Hi Dave,

Thank you for the help and sending me your work. I will start working on it and will let you know how to works. My case is also same, I am working on this for QR Code reader.

Currently  I am using Unilogic V 1.33.210 Hope so it works good!

Yes, I configured Keyence scanner in past when we used it with Allen-Bradley PLC. 

Thanks you again.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Dave,

Your code for SR1000W is working good but our customer changed barcode for the product and made 56 character long.  I tried to modified according to that but scanner only reading 32 character. 

Do you have any idea of why its reading only 32 character? Please help me out.

looking forward to hear from you.

Thank you 

Akash Patel

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