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Hello everyone, is there a way when i call an ancient trend (from histroy) to show all the time of the trend?
Like if i have a graph for 24H, and i call it from history I see all the 24h without moving the cursor?

And is there a way to change X axis time frame to make it variable?

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I have checked this for you, and theoretically it is possible, and I've advising the Panel team leader if it has some bad side effects, and what are the solutions for few of the issues that happens if we do implement it.

If it's possible, then it might be added to the working plan.

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I meant that theoretically, it is possible if UniLogic will let the user choose a tag instead of a constant value, and link the tag value to the frame on compile. Right now, on your UniLogic, you can't do it.

The UI code of the panel already changes the labels on the X Axis when the tag value changes (I've made a simple test), but there are other issues that need to be sorted, so it might be added to the working plan.


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