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Everything posted by Ausman

  1. +1 to Joe's point. Lots of info on this forum re serial converter issues. I could not find anything about the chip in your unit. But I did find this: Note: Computer should have Administrator access to avoid potential installation issues when first installing drivers. When attempting to use most recent driver with an existing USA-19HS unit, it is critical that the old drivers be uninstalled from the computer before downloading and installing the newer driver. Even though the old driver no longer works, the Device Manager will still attempt to use it. This is very relevant and covered here, as serial drivers can attach to a system like toffee to a blanket: https://forum.unitronics.com/topic/4516-usb-connection-issues/?do=findComment&comment=16593 However, before jumping completely off the cliff, I have had instances where comms settings don't convey properly from a program to the device, so match your speeds and other settings in Device Manager, to your connection settings in Visi. In theory 57600 is your best starting point, but shift right back to 9600 if needed. cheers, Aus
  2. Have you checked the security settings of the relevant folders to ensure you still have full rights? This is not the same as installing as admin, that's why Joe has mentioned it. See here, and ensure all equivalent steps are done, given you are working with Remote Op instead of Visi. The error messages do sound like it hasn't been installed as admin. https://forum.unitronics.com/topic/7917-visilogic-doesnt-work-properly-after-installation-what-install-as-administrator-really-means/
  3. Hi Flex, after lots of consideration because it's such a broad "overview" type question, I felt this was the best forum area to put it up. Feel free to move it! And as an aside, in trialling a few more programs on my main PC, I've once again encountered the annoying habit of many serial related programs totally over-writing existing serial drivers, even including the one used for the native serial port, without any sort of permission asked etc. I couldn't understand why some new cables I'd made weren't working on Com1. After meter checking again and finding them seemingly perfect, I was thinking that perhaps the pre-moulded plug I was using at one end was missing/had something internally that wasn't obvious with just a continuity check. But I finally tried a known good pre-existing one and up popped the same "comm error". Grrrrr. 😠 Uninstalled the offenders and the drivers windoze had stored deeply away, and I was eventually back in business. But it was very annoying. cheers, Aus
  4. Hi all, over the years I've had varying success with different Virtual Serial to IP programs. Some of the supposedly "modern" ones don't want to play properly, and the old faithful still seems to be the most reliable for me, which is USR's VCOM Wondering what other forum members have as their favourite/one that works reliably? cheers, Aus
  5. I've always been a high flyer at my work. The first day of my new job at the bike factory, they made me the spokesperson. Boom boom. I know, I know, some days they're good, some days not. ðŸĪŠ
  6. vlader, you need to describe your situation a little clearer, but I'll assume some things.... Are you actually online, in that you can see the MB's state shown in the online area under the "glasses"? The default colour for this is blue, and the column is empty if you're not correctly online. If you are online ok, are you saying that on clicking the MB you want to change, the popup window to do so doesn't appear? If this is the case, it is possible that you may be experiencing the issue where if you worked with 2 or more monitors before and are now only using one monitor, the popup wants to be on a different monitor. This has been discussed a few times, look at both of these: https://forum.unitronics.com/topic/2541-visilogic-on-notebooks-with-2-displays/ https://forum.unitronics.com/topic/5827-multi-monitor-issue/ cheers, Aus
  7. My pet mouse Elvis died last night. He was caught in a trap. 🐭
  8. I haven't tried it with any Vision equipment, but Google does have an innate method for less secure devices to communicate with gmail. It's not well known, but the method is that the google system generates a specific password just for that device, ie it isn't the normal login for the account in use. I had some printers that were being blocked and they are still working fine to this day. Stupidly I did not write up the procedure...kicking myself....but it was fairly easy to step through the process once I had "learned" things. The learning was definitely a bit of trial and error! I recall that the biggest hurdle was having to use the device concurrently with being logged in to the account via PC etc...I think that fairly quick timeouts applied for entering the info. I think that my starting point was here: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833#zippy= and the reference to an "app" is initially confusing, as it isn't an app as such. Again, I don't know whether it works with Vision or not, as I haven't needed it, and at present don't have time to trial things. If someone else has success, please write it up. cheers, Aus
  9. I also suggest that Revo uninstaller is useful. https://www.revouninstaller.com/start-freeware-download/ And remember that if all else fails, you may have a restore point that will possibly get you back to 9.8.31. I strongly suggest you do a full partition/drive backup before trying. cheers, Aus
  10. Thanks Saragani, I suspected as much but thought it worth an ask. 🙂
  11. I've been intrigued by this issue, and glad it's resolved. But as someone who never uses colour images, I need to ask the question.... In Vision, the single pixel method for defining transparency is used. For simplicity of using and applying on every image a user might use, can this be done in Unilogic? Or does the method already exist and has been forgotten in this case? cheers, Aus
  12. So I went to my Doctor recently for my routine 1/4 year checkup. She did the usual tests and finally asked me to lie on my side with pants down and knees tucked up. This last test was taking a while so I chatted with, "Doc, how's it all going? Will I live a long and great life?" "I doubt it," she said, waving her ringed fingers around whilst her ear-rings jangled. "Mercury is in Uranus". "I don't go for that astrology nonsense," I said back. "Neither do I", she explained, "My thermometer's just snapped".
  13. Dave, a question that might be relevant here is what image programs do you have on your computer? Perhaps they are basically changing the way the PC handles any .png file....changing the bit format etc. which is then flowing on into your usage issues. cheers, Aus
  14. That's part of the headache I once created for myself using TEs . I have mentioned elsewhere on the forum that I always try to use the same type of action throughout a program, and mostly it is close on condition met. So the actions needed for the correct TE operation were opposite to what I was doing elsewhere, and it tied things up in knots with incorrect operations/logic issues. I know it was all fundamentally of my own doing and methods...but it influenced my thinking and approach. It is a personal type thing. The timing maps clearly show how to use them, but I still hate the way the things have to implemented using a coil and then boolean. When I first started using Vision ages ago this was a "what?" moment, as I had been spoiled with ease of use up to then....like this: I----[whatever type of input you want ]-----[00125 (timer type) Txxx]---------(whatever type of output you want)---I with 125 being 1.25s. All done in that one element.
  15. And I've just noticed that the type in your case is a TE. I personally find this the worst offender for ease of use, and operation as expected. That aside, this is perhaps one of the reasons why I always try to do an Init and Reset on any program change, even minor. I have had instances where some details seem to be retained from a previous project making odd things occur, and an I & R fixes the issue. .......even though it's not meant to........😉
  16. I can only do a quick response, one thing to remember is that timers can do odd things if their triggering is referred to more than once. FWIW, I have always disliked Vision's timer arrangements, in that they make some things complex and harder to use. Yes, you can arrange them to do lots of timings, but they pale when compared to a favourite other brand that has far more innate timer methods available, that do everything needed, and do it by essentially using only one ladder element. That is why in many Vision "timer" scenarios, I use count based systems instead, which I find are much better anyway for more complex operations. Counters are a forgotten method these days, it seems. Timers definitely have their place, Vision works them ok, but the methodology can be a complete pain. And a PS...by "Counters", I mostly mean roll my own versions. I await the rest of the forum giving me a hard time! 🙃
  17. Does this help for Alex's method? It does show popups. https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/winlister.html Please also try Ctrl + Alt + Arrow, which rearranges orientation depending on what arrow you use. On the single screen I can only work on at present, I've found it brings popups fully back on screen if I park them just visible before doing the change. I only did a right arrow and then an up, and it consistently brings them well back, not just on the edge.
  18. I also feel your pain, but I'm open to anything that might be an easy way around it all. At present I can't test any of what's been recently mentioned. Given what you've said with regards to how Alex's methods are hard to do, my next ponder is what happens if you change the screen resolution on the laptop, apply and let it stick, and then go back to what it was before? I can't see how this will help, but maybe worth a try. In saying this, I'm assuming that you have tried Taskbar Right Click and Cascade Windows, or any of the other screen related options that appear in doing so. I feel compelled to say that Office has also done this to me. I couldn't understand when it first happened....it's running but nothing showing! Load the backup, the same. Think about it......ding! My goodness!!!...that's annoying! (and I didn't really say my goodness , I said much harsher words like Ohh gosh.) cheers, Aus
  19. Chris, do either of these not work for you for all placement issues? I know it's a PITA workaround, but it works for me and I use multiple instances on the laptops anyway so it's easy. I'm also intrigued by you saying that you took care to do the save correctly in the first place, but the placement errors still happened. But to me the error was that you disconnected the monitors blah blah and then shutdown. As well, some other things to try: I've also discovered over the years that some of my laptops can do virtual screens much bigger than default, I guess it's a display adapter thing. If you can do bigger virtual screen, perhaps it might enable access to the problem popup by scrolling around on the larger areas? On the default screen size, what happens if you drag the main Visi window way off screen and then drag the remaining visible edge to make the main window much larger and then scroll the much bigger Visilogic around? In previous hunting for an easy fix, I found that perhaps VisiC/Data/DB/OPLC.ini is involved in this, as some numbers change, but that was as far as I got as I ran into permissions issues and lack of time. For now, I always try to check things on the laptop before leaving, but the best intentions always go astray......ðŸĨī cheers, Aus
  20. This seems fine for one valve Gabriel, but I thought it had to allow for any or all of the 6 valves being in use, and only doing pump shutdown on all of them being off. 6 "master" call MBs inverted in series could start the timer, which is then linked to the pump control..... however that is done. But that's why I thought it might get a bit iffy if each valve works via a conditionally run sub. cheers, Aus
  21. Just FYI, have you read this? https://forum.unitronics.com/topic/8850-important-sub-routine-advice-updated/ Changing your usage of subs will likely make the delay much easier, and better operation all round. cheers, Aus
  22. In your case my view is that it might be easier if you worked on a counter system. Set up a counter based on SB15. Then have your various read/writes based around the counter progressing and using compares to trigger each operation. Essentially the same as the MB method, but the advantage is that you can tweak timings to best effect, and also easily manipulate the count to jump past non-responding units. Once the count reaches the end of the operations for the last unit, it resets to 0 and starts again. This method works well, and I've used it to good effect. Your timeout needs to relate to the longest period for the operations you're doing. You have to allow enough time for the full timeout plus any retry (if you're doing so) and add a few scans to that to ensure you don't run into buffer issues. Also remember that if there isn't a response in the first place your timeout time X retries is your total time. But don't forget that you can also monitor your MBus in Progress MB and use that to jump the counter to the next operation if the comms are ok, but again...add a few scans to fully clear the buffer. I have harped on about the buffer because I have found that the progress MB will signal ok, but doing the next operation immediately can eventually run into issues as the buffer is not fully cleared. ie The captain of the PLC boat says "Aye me hearties, we've hauled in them there anchor chains. Crank up the props immediately and get back to your other jobs" whereas the deckhands go "But we haven't put the safety shackles in and the anchor might run out on it's chain over time and foul the props...you stupid ol' git." If you find you could do things to a finer degree than is available using 1/10 sec, use a count based on an interrupt routine. Search help for "1.25" and select Interrupt Routines which should be at the top of the list. You can use 2.5mS or 1.25mS. Others will likely chime in with the merits of shifting to TCP, but it might be worth you trying this method and spend some time fine tuning via trial and error for best effect. cheers, Aus
  23. That's great, Boran. Please advise what virtual system you are using, and any special tweaks you needed to do along the way. cheers, Aus
  24. This sounds like you are doing the biggest read length you can, and then picking out relevant areas using logic in the PLC. But is this what is actually happening? It can make a huge difference to the number of reads needing to be done. ie read a block of 99 and using PLC logic to pick out 6 totally separate registers spaced well apart in that sequence. For the retries, you could drop them completely and work on the basis of if you get a response most of the time that will be ok. I personally retry once, but I know that others here prefer the no retry method. This would then automatically do the same delay, but might need a self-correction attempt every minute or so, to recognise when the unit comes back online. cheers, Aus
  25. HI Boran and welcome. If there is no ready solution forthcoming from HO or other forum members, consider the following...... If you are using a desktop PC one method for using "old" programs, which Micro$oft is very good at wrecking through their updates, is to have your system set up with a caddy for your O/S drive. I also have a caddy for my main "storage" drive, and have set up front panel power switches for all the drives on the system. You can thus change your system at will very easily. I have found that changing your O/S drive can sometimes lead to errors on other drives still on the system, so depending on job and the O/S you are loading from I might change the storage drive, or turn it/all of them off and work from saves done on usb sticks that are transferred as necessary. If you're worried about speed and reliability issues through using caddies, I have actually found that my speeds go slightly higher, which I've always found puzzling but accept, and I've never had reliability issues. But I only have good name units in use. Alternatively you can set up a virtual machine on the PC, which works fine as well doing essentially the same job, although I sometimes have headaches doing all comms operations ok. Another method which lots of people here do, me included, is have a number of older laptops with specific jobs in mind. The ideal is one with a dedicated serial port, and many are available in good condition for tiny $s. I have many control and device setting programs that no longer work ok on modern O/Ss and it is very frustrating when something that might only be a few years old becomes redundant. But having laptops ready to go for a particular "era" makes things very easy. With modern SSDs in them they are great, and pretty knock proof for onsite work. The overall thing is developing your own method of getting around the constant O/S upgrading that is done that completely wrecks existing stuff that worked fine before. And the original maker often can't adapt their techniques to the changed O/S, or can't justify the expense. Welcome to the ever changing world of industrial control where seemingly simple issues can lead to a world of pain for the end user who suddenly finds their program doesn't work properly any more. Many of us here still work on PLC systems running fine that we put in 20-30 years ago. cheers, Aus
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