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Nacho last won the day on April 20 2013

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  1. I have a similar experience with an old V430.
  2. Thanks NoamM. We have already created the ticket through SIDE support. Do you know of another SFTP server for testing?
  3. I've tested with a temporal SFTP: Free SFTP server: online SFTP server for testing - SFTPCloud The same error "-6" Is there any log in the UniStream where I can get more info about the error?
  4. Hi, Can I download the Technical Library now o it is only online?
  5. The U90Ladder 6.4.0 has the same error. Will be fixed the error with the new versions?
  6. Finally the end customer did the best solution: downgrade to Windows 7
  7. Hi Joe, the link is broken. Thanks anyway but I think there is not support for Windows 8 for the PL2303.
  8. Please check the guide of IO-AO6X: http://www.unitronics.com/docs/io_expansions/io-ao6x.pdf?sfvrsn=0 Resolution at 4-20mA 819 to 4095 (3277 units) X min: 819 ( 4mA) X max: 4095 (20mA) 4080 or 4095 depends of the impedance input of the inverter, or the gain frecuency, etc.
  9. This is an error I have seen from 2008. I have a lot of customers with the same error: If the application has a Date or Time variable when you download the application to the Jazz and had this error: (200) M90 Ladder Download Error in ParseOperand, sLine = Fecha y Hora Support said me this error was fixed in the version U90Ladder 6.0.5 and to overcome this probles I had to chage the Date&Time variable to List and back to desired Date&Time variable. I have now the 6.1.11 version and I see the error is not fixed.
  10. A customer of mine have the MJ10-22-CS35 usb-rs232 converter from Unitronics. the converter was working in Windows XP but now he have a new laptop with Windows 8 64 bits and the converter doesn't work. Do you know where to get the drivers for Windows 8? Is there anyone with Windows 8 and MJ10-22-CS35?
  11. Hello Thorolfur, welcome to the forum. Do you have a gateway DALI to MODBUS RS485? There will be a table in the gateway where you can see the operands to control from the PLC. For examples in modbus look on the HELP MENU -> EXAMPLES -> COMMUNICATIONS -> MODBUS
  12. After two years I wonder if anybody get to develope the M-BUS protocol with the FB PROTOCOL of Unitronics. I have some projects where the M-BUS/RS-232 converter is cheap but the M-BUS/modbus is very expensive.
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