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Joe Tauser

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Joe Tauser last won the day on September 3

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About Joe Tauser

  • Birthday 02/06/1964

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    Antique Radios!

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Community Answers

  1. Remove all the thermocouple wires from the module and put a jumper between T+ and T-. You should read ambient temperature. Joe T.
  2. This is normal behavior for the HSC register. Continually copy the value of ML 1 to another register. On power-up, copy this last value to the actual HSC register. Joe T.
  3. You're not giving us the background on what you're expecting. You have 5 modules but you're not telling us what's connected to what port and whether it's on or not. It looks like it's stacking the inputs as bits in a 16 bit word. Word 0 with value decimal 128 translates to a bit pattern of 1000 0000. Do you have more information (like a bitmap in the EDS file) that may translate this for us? In the end, you'll need to map the UINT16 to a bit array to access the individual bits. Create a two byte Buffer array tag and use the Tag->Buffer instruction to load it, then create a 16 element bit array and use the Buffer->Tag instruction to copy the bits from the Buffer to your bit array. Joe T.
  4. Unitronics' UniCloud product offers a remote access service. Talk to your local distributor about it. Joe T.
  5. What baud rate are you running? According to the Novocon data, the device auto-detects the baud rate. I'd try your tests at 9600 8N1. Joe T.
  6. Those voltages do look low. RS485 doesn't always work when you wire it the way you're "supposed" to. I've found the 120 ohm terminating resistors can pull the signal down. Try experimenting with removing the terminator at one end or the other. Or both. Joe T.
  7. Unitronics' response to the The Great Hacking of 2023 was to update the O/S so no defaults could be left in place. You can read about it here: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/hackers-breach-us-water-facility-via-exposed-unitronics-plcs/ They also removed all previous versions of Visilogic from the download area of their website. You now must set the Info Mode password and if you have an Ethernet card you must set that password as well. In the attached file, I set MI 60 to power up to value 1255 and called the Set Info Password function with the power-up bit SB 2. The address of the MI is not important - I just picked an un-used one. The value of the password can't be four repeating characters. Let us know if it works. Joe T. CST Purge Control Center-with Auto-Purge JT.vlp
  8. That is a limitation of the Samba series - they have their memory seriously reduced. If the data doesn't need to be retained you have 32 XI registers you could use. If you could get your hands on any of the non-Samba PLCs you won't have this problem. Joe T.
  9. Any MB will do, as will any MI. That's just an example picture. No, you don't need to enter a password to start the PLC. The password is for when you go into Info Mode, which is accessed by holding the touch screen. Joe T.
  10. Rather than assigning a powerup value to SI 253 and copying it itself, try using the official "Set Info Password" block from an MI that has a powerup value- Joe T.
  11. I Googled "S7-1200 Protocols" and found it supports CANOPen. So the answer to your question is yes. But I personally can't tell you how. Search the forum for CANOpen posts for some ideas on how to make it work. Joe T.
  12. Hopefully the PLC still boots after the OS update failure. The post above that kratmel is referencing describes how to get to Info mode. You should be able to still read the screen by holding a flashlight up to it. If the screen is bad, the V290 is obsolete. You'll have to go to eBay or the surplus market to get a replacement. Joe T.
  13. I interpreted this request as asking about the Slave to the PLC addresses. Doing it from ladder gives it more flexibility. You are not wrong about the capability of ini file. There's more than one way to skin a cat. Joe T.
  14. The Help does not cover this topic. I'm assuming you've already downloaded the UniLogic examples from https://downloads.unitronicsplc.com/Sites/plc/Unilogic/UniLogic_Examples.zip Look in Communications->MODBUS Advanced Ladder Functions. Joe T.
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