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Joe Tauser

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Joe Tauser last won the day on September 3

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About Joe Tauser

  • Birthday 02/06/1964

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    Antique Radios!

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Community Answers

  1. I Googled "S7-1200 Protocols" and found it supports CANOPen. So the answer to your question is yes. But I personally can't tell you how. Search the forum for CANOpen posts for some ideas on how to make it work. Joe T.
  2. Hopefully the PLC still boots after the OS update failure. The post above that kratmel is referencing describes how to get to Info mode. You should be able to still read the screen by holding a flashlight up to it. If the screen is bad, the V290 is obsolete. You'll have to go to eBay or the surplus market to get a replacement. Joe T.
  3. I interpreted this request as asking about the Slave to the PLC addresses. Doing it from ladder gives it more flexibility. You are not wrong about the capability of ini file. There's more than one way to skin a cat. Joe T.
  4. The Help does not cover this topic. I'm assuming you've already downloaded the UniLogic examples from https://downloads.unitronicsplc.com/Sites/plc/Unilogic/UniLogic_Examples.zip Look in Communications->MODBUS Advanced Ladder Functions. Joe T.
  5. You can reach Unitronics directly by emailing the problem to support@unitronics.com Joe T.
  6. You're not disagreeing if you're right . More like, "Hey, Joe, you're missing a feature that's right on the toolbar!" I totally forgot about that. I've never used it, either, but it is functional. Instead of re-creating and presenting the PLC graphics like Remote Operator, it displays a list of descriptors and displays memory values. You configure a table to set the pages up. They're pretty boring, but it is a web server. Here's a little snippet of how they look from the Help: So you CAN punch in the IP of the PLC and get some kind of data display on a browser. Just not what you're expecting. Joe T.
  7. I'm guessing you're trying to get into your V350 over the Internet. If you're staying on your local network then ignore all this VPN stuff. A VPN server is typically an external service on the Internet that has secure software on it with logins and passwords that allows you to securely connect two devices together. You usually have to pay for it. Google "VPN Servers" and "Free VPN Servers" to get more information. Once you have that set up you can set your router to point to your VPN service provider to provide a path to get to your V350. Joe T.
  8. Unfortunately not. The Vision series does not have a webserver - that's a UniStream thing. Connecting a Vision to the Internet is best done with a VPN set up in your router. You'll need a static IP on the router or a dynamic dns service so you can locate your V350 from the outside world. Joe T.
  9. The RTC should not reset. Contact Support. Joe T.
  10. Are the fluctuations in sync? If so, your A/D converter might be drifting. Do you have another module to try? Send an email to support. Joe T.
  11. Thanks for posting your troubleshooting and the solution! Joe T.
  12. A JZ20 has a USB interface built in. Please describe how you are connecting to it -what software are you using, what is the virtual COM port number, what is the baud rate, how many retries, and so on. All the details. If you would upload your program to the forum that would be helpful. Joe T.
  13. Good question - I couldn't find it either. Send an email to support@unitronics.com and let us know if they get you one. Regarding your fluctuation issue - sounds like noise to me, too. 1. Do you have all the reference wires run all the way to the load cell? In shielded cable? 2. Try shorting +VSIG and -VSIG together at the module; the input should go to zero after the filter time. 3. Does the problem appear on both channels? Joe T.
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