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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. Is there a plan to allow updating the IP address for a MODBUS IP slave PLC through ladder or operator interaction? In other words, if IT makes a change to the IP addressing, I want the customer to be able to make the update without me having to provide a program update (something easily done in VisiLogic).


    Bumping this in the hope of getting an answer to my second question. Currently the IP address of a UniStream PLC can be changed by an operator, but if the PLC is addressing a MODBUS Slave, and the Slave's address is changed, the address the Master is using to communicate with the slave cannot be changed except by the programmer. Is there a plan to improve this?

  2. Thanks! Got it working well. Is there a plan to allow updating the IP address for a MODBUS IP slave PLC through ladder or operator interaction? In other words, if IT makes a change to the IP addressing, I want the customer to be able to make the update without me having to provide a program update (something easily done in VisiLogic).

  3. When using VisiLogic, I monitor and display system operands SB 143-150 and SDW 14-21 to know that communications are proceeding as expected. Is there any equivalent in UniLogic? How can I know that MODBUS IP communications are working properly (i.e. connected and exchanging data)?

  4. I notice that the Unitronics MODBUS communications function, "Read/Write Mixed Data", crashes the communications if I try to use it between a Vision controller and a UniStream controller. This is a VERY handy function and I'm wondering if there are any plans to make the UniStream compatible with this function.

  5. The string entry keyboard needs a lot of work. Pressing the CAPS LOCK key does nothing other than turn on a little green light. It appears that one must press the SHIFT key first, then the CAPS LOCK key after to get a caps lock. No keyboard in the world operates this way. If the CAPS LOCK key is not actually on, then the little green light should NOT be lit. Also, pressing the SHIFT key shifts the numeric keys - that's fine, but the CAPS LOCK should NOT shift the numeric keys - just like real computer keyboards.


    Frankly, I'd like to see the keyboard default to all caps (i.e. CAPS LOCK ON) with the numeric keys available. In that case, pressing the CAPS LOCK key would allow access to lower case, which are seldom used.

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