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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. True, Ofer, but here is the problem:


    UniLogic is supposed to be easier than VisiLogic, but if I want to make a simple momentary contact pushbutton in UniLogic, that would only require linking the bit to the touch property in VisiLogic. In UniLogic it can take more than 20 steps! Here they are:


    1) Click on object
    2) Click on Actions (Collection)
    3) Click Add New Action
    4) Click Action "Set Bit" (may already be there)
    5) Click Tag
    6) Click Tag Name Box
    7) Start typing Tag Name
    8) Click Tag Name
    ---8a) If Tag is an Array, click again to drop down array (more clicks or scrolling depending on the size of the array, etc)
    ---8b) Click on correct array member
    9) Click Trigger
    10) Click Pressed
    11) Click Add New Action
    12) Click Action "Reset Bit"
    13) Click Tag
    14) Click Tag Name Box
    15) Start typing Tag Name
    16) Click Tag Name
    ---16a) If Tag is an Array, click again to drop down array (more clicks or scrolling depending on the size of the array, etc)
    ---16b) Click on correct array member
    17) Click Trigger
    18) Click Released
    19) Click Close
    When I have a project with numerous buttons of this type - something that is very common - I have to waste my time with hundreds upon hundreds of these ridiculous steps, each of which can be prone to a mistake. Further, there is no easy way to do a quick check of the actions to make sure they're correct, since they are hidden behind the "(Collection") box. A simple "While Pressed" selection, in addition to the "Clicked", "Pressed", & "Released" selections would at least cut this unnecessary burden in half.
    Perhaps I should post this in the We're Listening Forum Topic, but I really think this is a problem. If there's something simple I'm missing, I sure would like to know it. -Thanks.
  2. I have a UniStream 7 that will be a MODBUS TCP/IP slave to a V1210. There are a few ASCII strings that are entered on the UniStream that need to be sent to the V1210. In the MODBUS slave setup on the UniStream, ASCII is not allowed. So, what do I need to do with this? Convert the String to numeric first? If so, what's the best way to go about this so that all the data arrives at the V1210 intact and in the correct order? I am sending 8 ten character strings over to the V1210.

  3. Well, that's a distinctly more challenging problem and will require some ladder logic to work. You'll need to understand the maximum and minimum levels that are possible with the water and oil. Then, I would place two bar graphs immediately one above the other with the water & oil colors on the bottom graph and the oil and empty space colors on the top graph. This will not work if both water and oil can independently range from 0% to 100% of the tank volume.


    If the above won't work and you can illustrate with, say, 20% steps, then you can generate 25 bitmaps with all the possible combinations and select them with "List of Images by Pointer".


    Maybe there's a better way, but that's what I have to offer off the top of my head.

  4. I'm in the Dallas, TX area, but I can probably help you with something like this remotely if you can't find anyone local. I am certified with Unitronics, have written a program almost exactly like this for a Samba PLC, and have a lot of experience with Jazz. If you want to discuss specifics, PM me or reply to this message and I'll provide my contact info.

  5. Yes, but if you copy a DT function block from another project with an identical (appearing) DT, but the columns were inserted differently, then the FB will not refer to the correct columns.


    The problem is that the Data Tables use addressing that is not visible to the programmer. VisiLogic seems to indicate that the name of the column is the address pointer, but it is not.

  6. I actually like the way Unitronics has distilled down all the possible timer types to 3 basic ones for simplicity. I haven't yet run across something I couldn't do with the 3 basic timers provided, however I have a simple question. What I need is a Delay timer that has an accumulated functionality (i.e. I want the timer to accumulate instead resetting each time it is activated). The issue I have is that when the timer finally does expire, I want it to reset at that point (a TA doesn't do that). A positive transition of the timer bit activating the timer reset function works fine (see below), but the compile always gives me this warning: "To improve performance, use Normally Open/Closed contacts instead of positive/negative transition contacts." I guess I can use a normally open contact since it will only be on for one PLC cycle, but why do I get this warning?


      TA1       TA1

    --| P |-----( R )

  7. I have a number of versions of VisiLogic installed on my computer and switch between them with Version Swapper. It works well, but if I have a problem with one of them, it is difficult to re-install that version. The install utility does not give the user any opportunity to select a specific folder to install into. It will overwrite a specific folder that only it knows. How can I know which folder it will install to or how can I direct the installer to install to a specific folder?

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