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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. +1 on this. Also, on this topic, it would be very nice if there was an easy way to clear out a whole section of operand descriptions (without using the group function when creating a contact or coil, which can be cumbersome). Even exporting the descriptions to Excel, deleting the unwanted descriptions and importing them back in does not work. I realize that there is a function for deleting all unused operands, but typically I don't want to delete ALL of them, just a particular section.

  2. From Wikipedia:

    The SECS/GEM is the semiconductor's equipment interface protocol for equipment-to-host data communications. In an automated fab, the interface can start and stop equipment processing, collect measurement data, change variables and select recipes for products. The SECS (SEMI Equipment Communications Standard)/GEM (Generic Equipment Model) standards do all this in a defined way.

  3. My recommendation is to break all that logic up into separate ladder rungs, and maybe even separate subroutines. It is always a risk to pack too much logic into a single ladder rung because the compiled code may not exactly match what you expect. When you break the logic up into simple steps it is easier to read and troubleshoot.

  4. The easiest thing to do is to use a serial or USB cable to download the program. If you don't have that available and must download using ethernet, do the following:


    1) Confirm that PLC and PC are on the same subnet (192.168.192.xxx, in your photo). Change one or the other to match.

    2) Identify the PLC Name. Go to INFO Mode / Version / Software / PLC Name

    3) Enter the correct PLC IP address and PLC name in the VisiLogic - Connection / Communication - PC Settings / Select Connection Type - TCP/IP (Call), then Project Settings.


    Test connection by clicking on Get OPLC Information.


    I recommend checking and/or replacing the battery immediately to avoid having to repeat all this. You can check the battery by going online with the PLC and looking at the value of SB8. A value of 1 means the battery needs replacing.


    Good luck!

    • Upvote 1
  5. I can't open your images either, but I do want to say I didn't mean to say that you HAD to have a linearization block, just that it would give you more meaningful numbers to work with. You could just as easily use 204 and 1023 as your min and max, respectively, in the tank variable, but if you want to display a value for tank level in addition to the graph, the user will not easily understand what it means without the linearization.

    • Upvote 1
  6. I notice in the Vision products that the bit assigned to be ON when an HMI Display is active does not get reset if that screen is active when the PLC is reset. Is this a feature or a bug? Shouldn't we expect that a bit assigned to be ON when a display is active be turned off when that display is no longer active, even if that happened due to a PLC reset?


    I make it a habit to assign a power-up Reset to each of those bits to prevent unexpected problems, but I can find no mention of this issue in the Help files.

  7. Two things.


    The input you receive at MI0, MI1, & MI2 will be an integer from 204 - 1023. Do you have a linearization block to convert the number to something meaningful (e.g. tank level from 0-100% or perhaps tank volume from 0 to 70 gallons, or whatever the tank capacity is)?


    Your tank variable appears to be improperly set up. The min and max parameters should be whatever 4mA and 20mA represents (i.e. the limits you have on your linearization block). MI0 does not go there.

    • Upvote 1

    I then save the program with an updated filename before I shut down Visilogic.



    I save under a different name regularly, usually with just a version number changed. What drives me crazy is that when I do a "Save As..." in VisiLogic, the current filename isn't pre-filled in like it is with every single other Windows program on Earth. What I have to do is go find the current file, select it, then change the version number. I can't count the number of times I've almost accidentally selected the wrong file, which would be a disaster.

  9. Thanks a lot Flex.


    I have one more quick question to you


    I have enabled the web service utility of V-570 PLC.

    I am able to view the data's on the web browser, now I need to  connect the same to the Plant network which has internet connectivity.

    So in that case what security measures do I need to take care of the PLC.


    Frankly, I'm not an internet security expert. I would direct that question to Unitronics support (support@unitronics.com).

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