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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. Glad it helped. I'll also point out that Setting SB168 using SB2 when you have the Power-Up value as "SET" is redundant. Same with the values you're assigning to SI 104 & 108. You can either set a Power-Up value or assign a value with SB2 - your option, but there is no need to do both.


    As to your other question - there is no need to set values for the Sockets you aren't using, but it won't hurt anything if you do.

  2. Use "Legal Entry" in the HMI input to know when the timer has been updated. Then compare the Timer Preset with the min and max values you want. You can either reset the preset to the min or max value, or pop up a screen that informs the operator that they've made an error.


    The option you suggest does exist for numeric entries and I agree that it would be nice to have it for Timer inputs also.

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  3. Moran, you need to distinguish between the "Tag: Link" and the "Tag: Touch...". The Tag: Link is what will be changed in your ladder to have your button change in appearance. The Tag: Touch is where you define the actions that will occur when the button is touched. Those actions can include Set or Reset of the Tag: Link.

  4. The screen resolution is 800x600 on the V1040 while the screen resolution is 320x240 on the V570. When you change the PLC model in the HW Configuration from V1040 to V570, every HMI element beyond 320x240 will be permanently lost. You will first need to update every screen on the V1040 program (save under a different name) to fit all the elements within 320x240. HMI elements will need to be re-sized, moved, and fonts changed. After completing that, you will be able to change the PLC entry in the HW Configuration and the program should work properly. Be aware that if you have complex graphics with shading or 3D effects, you will lose much of that detail due to the reduced number of pixels available to work with.


    After the update be sure to thoroughly test your resulting program with the V570.

  5. When I write 2 letters or numbers throught the V700 Screen the data is save in a MI but the values are adding like (in decimal) "A" = 65 and "B" = 66, then the MI save (65*(2^8)+66).


    My previous answer did not encompass the V700. It has 8 Sockets instead of 4 and there are other minor differences from the other Enhanced Vision products, but the Help files are there.


    Regarding strings stored in MIs, be aware that an MI consists of 2 bytes. Two characters are stored in an MI, one character in the upper byte and one character in the lower byte. The numbers are not added together, but when you look at the stored value in decimal, it can be hard to decipher.

  6. The only way to stop the program, that I know of, is through the Information Mode or by command from a PC that is online with the PLC. The one exception would be if the Watchdog timer were to expire. Another possibility would be if the PLC battery is bad and there was a power failure (I think you only lose RAM values in the M91, not the program [not sure off the top of my head], but that may be enough to cause your problem).


    From a hardware standpoint, other than the battery, the RS232 serial port may have had a failure - or a failure in the connection between the PC and PLC. If you're using a GSM modem to communicate, there are a number of other possibilities to investigate.

    • Should I set up the ethernet card in each process of communication or only once?

    Initialize the Ethernet card once using SB2 or when applying a new IP address to the PLC without restarting.


    • The IP local port for each communication should change?

    Not sure what you're asking here. You always identify a Port # for each device you communicate with. Both sides of the communication need a Port #, but they do not need to be the same #, nor do separate remote devices need to have unique Port #s. You have 4 sockets, but you can address them with any allowed Port #. The communications occur from a local Port # to/from a remote Port # through a particular Socket.


    • In the FB TCP/IP connect or close there is a parameter named "Remote port", what is that?

    It is the port number for the remote device you are connecting to or communicating with.


    • The ping FB is linked with the PLC IP or PC IP?

    The IP in the Ping FB is the IP of the device you want to Ping from the PLC. You also identify the socket # you use to send the Ping.

  7. If I have no choice but to start over, I guess I will tear out the unitronics v570 and install a siemens instead. Maybe Unitronics may want to change this. If the program is running it should be viewable and retrievable. 


    I would be surprised if this is the most cost-effective solution for you, however, I think you'll find that many PLC manufacturers have the same issue - they (properly) wish to protect the intellectual property rights of the program owner.

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