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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. 4 minutes ago, Joe Tauser said:

    often when one of the Unitronics programs starts throwing up errors I run the Visilogic Version Swapper for the same version I'm using and it fixes things. 

    Yep, that's the first thing I always try when the (all too frequent) weird errors start popping up. I also keep a copy of a known good installation for each VisiLogic version on a separate drive (the entire folder from the Programs Files (x86) folder) and copy over the one that's messed up. One of those two usually solves the problem quickly. Because I have that backup known good installation available, I NEVER have to uninstall/reinstall VisiLogic.

  2. On 9/6/2020 at 8:15 PM, Sam.Newtouni said:

    I also took the time to tidy up the sequencing and make the improvements that you all mentioned.

    You're still missing a few concepts. You need the Function in Progress bit in series with the Connect function. You also need the trigger bit, MB 3231 to be a Direct Contact, not a Positive Transition. Further, the Comms reset bit, MB 3230, should be a Positive Transition, though it really doesn't matter since you reset it at the end of the ladder rung (it's just poor form).

  3. You need someone to show you how to multiply by 100? Keep in mind that this forum is staffed by volunteers, not Unitronics employees for the most part. We have day jobs and help out here when available - we cannot write your program for you. I recommend that you make your best attempt and then post your results here with specific questions if you can't get it to work. Someone here will then help guide you.

  4. Hard to tell if this is the source of the problem, but you are using poor form with the MODBUS IP Connect sequence. It should look like the picture below. Note that you should Set a bit once the Configuration has occurred and Reset the bit after completion of the connection. Note also that the Function in Progress bit should be in series with the connection sequence.


  5. 17 hours ago, Ausman said:

    Why the use of SB13 on socket 3?

    It looks to me like he's using it as a fallback to re-connect if the connection is lost for whatever reason. Since SB 150 is in series, SB 13 will do nothing as long as the connection is maintained.

  6. I recommend getting directly with a system integrator or your distributor for help with this, as it's more complex than the usual situation. I suspect the recommendation will be to use Canbus for remote I/Os combined with 5 IO-D16A3-RO16 modules, 4 IO-AI8 analog input modules, and 4 IO-AO6X analog output modules, though that will leave you no spare digital inputs. It might be better to add a Snap-In module such as the V200-18-E6B and reduce the IO-D16A3-RO16 by 1. I mostly counted this up in my head and I'm shooting from the hip, so please don't make any I/O decisions without consulting a system integrator that has reviewed your system. This is just to give you an idea of what's involved.

    • Like 1
  7. To make it a bit simpler: Reset is a soft boot - exactly the same as power cycling without having to remove power. Nothing is lost.

    Initialize & reset erases the values in all the memory registers (MB, MI, ML, etc). It does not affect any other aspect of the PLC (program, data tables, etc are retained).

    Of course if there are any power-ups in the program, the initialized registers will obtain those values immediately after the reset.

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  8. 1 hour ago, sandreou said:

    Because i cannot connect remotely i have to change that locally and i need to schedule a visit because is far away from me the PLC.

    Wait, you're trying to connect to IP address over the internet? Above you said it was intranet. You CANNOT connect directly to a device with an IP in the private address space over the internet. You have to have a public IP address to connect to and have the router port forward to the 192.168 address.

  9. 41 minutes ago, sandreou said:

    I guess TCP Slave= TCP/Client

    Yes, it needs to be set to TCP/Client in order for you to communicate from VisiLogic (at least to my knowledge).

    41 minutes ago, sandreou said:

    Also where i set Protocol Type: Pcom

    I was thinking about the Enhanced Vision models that offer that option.

    Do you have the program file that is in the PLC? Are you initializing Socket 1 in the program?

    If all else fails, you may need to connect with serial comms in order to further troubleshoot.

  10. From the Help file:


    Entering Information Mode

    1. To enter Information mode:
      -Non-touchscreen models: press the <i> key on the Vision’s keyboard.  
      -Touchscreen models: touch the screen in an area that is not occupied by a Keypad Entry variable or other screen object that has been assigned a Touch Property. Maintain contact for several seconds

    2. The controller enters Information Mode and requests a password.

    3. Enter your password.  The default password is 1111.

    From there, go to Ethernet, then Socket Parameters.

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