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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. 35 minutes ago, Cam said:

    Remove the Snap I/O module and then using a flat blade screw driver remove the back portion of the V280's case.    There should be two sets of jumpers beside one set will control RS232/458 for port two the other set will control the RS485 termination for port 2.


    See page 8 in the linked.


    I'm questioning that portion of the document. I think it may apply to the V290 only and not the V280. Unfortunately I only have a V290 here in my office and can't confirm on a V280. @Leyke_1970, please report back what you find.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Leyke_1970 said:

    To communicate through RS485 with the V280, do I have to purchase the V200-19-RS4 Snap-in module (RS485 comm. board), because comm. port 2 is just not configurable for RS485 on the V280 (which I actually expect, because  the name at port 2 only indicates RS232. If port2 is also configurable for RS485, you would expect port2 to be labeled RS232/RS485).

    Yes, this looks to be the case. The two serial ports on the V280 are both RS232 and non-configurable. You can install the V200-19-RS4 module to add a configurable serial port for RS485. That module is very inexpensive.

  3. Both the internal buzzer and the screen brightness are Actions. The screen brightness variation available is what it is - you can't turn it off if zero is not off. Maybe it varies a bit from unit to unit. I know the Vision is similar in that at the bottom of the range it can vary a bit.

    You can associate a screen touch with the buzzer in Actions (as you can in Vision), but you also have to turn it off, IIRC. Just use the touch bit (positive transition) to SET a bit for the buzzer and set a different bit when the touch is off (negative transition) to stop the buzzer (or use a TE timer).

  4. 6 hours ago, Ngaruiya said:

    Anyway in that case shall have to purchase a PLC before proceeding with any programming.

    I realize it might be more difficult if you're new at it, but I usually have a substantial amount of programming completed on a project before I load any code in a PLC.

  5. 7 hours ago, Antal said:

    How many items can be maximum in one Rung? Input conditions.


    I don't know the answer to this question, but I guarantee it is WAY more than you have in this example. I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure it would give you a compile error if you exceed the limit, and even if you did, it is very simple to break things up to get under the limit.

  6. 22 hours ago, Flex727 said:

    I'm going to say this program wins the all-time award for most creative use of element connecting lines. Here is my favorite:


    By the way, there are as many ways to program as there are programmers, but here is how I would have done that logic:


    Unless it's something very, very simple, you should avoid multiple coils in a single ladder rung. And that is a good general programming technique - work backward from coils to contacts. Determine all the conditions that would activate a coil and place them in a ladder rung. This also helps to prevent placing the same coil in multiple rungs, which is a major no no.

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