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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. One piece of advice: DO NOT place multiple separate logic threads in a single ladder rung. Move that second line in rung 10 to the next rung. The whole point of ladder rungs in ladder logic is to separate logic threads for the compiler.

    By the way, what's the purpose of adding and subtracting 5?

  2. 6 hours ago, Xiang said:

    Public IP for gateway

    What is this? Gateway typically refers to the internal IP address of the router. Computers (and your PLC) would use the gateway address to know where to send data for the router to translate for the internet.

    If you don't already have a good understanding of the difference between public IPs and private IPs, I recommend that you do a search on "difference between private and public IPs". None of the IP addresses assigned for private networks (such as 192.168.xxx.xxx) can be directly accessed from the internet. You can also look up "network address translation" to help understand what the router does to cross the bridge between private and public IPs.

  3. I don't understand what "M0", "M1", "Output", or the timer are for, but a single pushbutton on/off requires NO ladder logic at all. The button itself (unless it's a physical pushbutton connected to a digital input instead of an on-screen button) can be programmed to toggle an output, and other things, without any ladder logic.

    If it is a physical button, be aware that there is a Toggle Coil available to simplify things.

  4. Your information is a little sparse here for anyone to provide any useful help. Which PLC model? What happens when you try to connect with USB? Have you tried using a different cable? Have you tried reinstalling the driver? For Ethernet, what is the IP address of the computer and the IP address of the PLC? Are they on the same subnet? Are you using either a crossover cable or an Ethernet hub?

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