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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. Unfortunately I don't have an answer to your question, but I post to remind everyone that unless there is a necessary & known reason to do so, do NOT routinely update the software and firmware on a working PLC. There is usually never a reason to do this, even when making an update to the software. Use the version of VisiLogic that the program was originally written in to perform any updates. Unitronics makes this fairly easy with Version Swapper.

    Even when creating a new program, if there are other PLCs in service, I will continue to use the version that is on the other PLCs to keep things consistent.

  2. MB 29 in rung 2 needs to be a direct contact, not a positive transition. That may or may not solve your problem, but start with that.

    Also, are you connecting the PLC to the I/O through a hub, or a direct cable connection? If the latter, be sure you are using a crossover cable. If using a hub, connect your PC to the hub and make sure you can ping both devices.

    Thirdly, I notice you are using port 20257 for both the master and the slave. That's okay, but are you sure your slave device is looking for a connection on port 20257? In my experience slave devices of this type usually use port 502.

  3. Last one always wins with PLCs.

    Also remember that the update frequency of your VisiLogic is on-line mode is relatively slow. It has to go out to the PLC and read every operand value and display it. It generally take longer than a single scan to accomplish that.

  4. There is no reason to use floating point numbers in this situation. No digital computer or PLC can handle floating point numbers perfectly and it's best to avoid them when possible. This is due to the conversion from decimal to binary and then back to decimal. Without infinite precision, which is of course impossible, there will be rounding errors which can be significant.

    In your case, use integers (add 1, not 0.1) and display the number with one decimal place. If you need to perform calculations, just keep track of where the decimal place is and make sure it matches on all the other numbers in the calculation.

  5. I should point out that the OP's main question here is why are the two different motor sensors being responded to differently by the PLC. I think a partial answer is that with a 10ms response time on the input and probably 4-10ms scan time, aliasing will play a large role in detecting the pulses accurately. I would bet if you put an oscilloscope on the two sensors you would see a small difference in the pulse width which can be magnified by the PLC response due to response time and PLC scan time interacting.

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