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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. It seems like you understand things well. Based on your question I am assuming you are using MODBUS TCP. If you have only a few seconds available between readings then you will need to use multiple sockets. For simplicity, I would use 3 sockets (leaving the 4th for communication with VisiLogic or a SCADA system, etc. Each socket will be used to connect to two slaves. For each socket, you will need to connect to one slave, exchange data, disconnect from the slave, connect to the second slave, exchange data, disconnect, and repeat. The only trick is to allow plenty of time to connect and disconnect, as it can take some time to complete that function.

  2. I wouldn't dismiss the possibility out of hand for putting the data into a Data Table. You can store up to 192K and depending on how many parameters you're talking about for each part # plus a bit ingenuity, you might be able to make it fit. You can also store a huge amount of data on an SD card (though you don't mention what model PLC you're using), which can be brought into a Data Table in manageable chunks, though this would be a bit slower.

    If you must keep the data on their server, then just use MODBUS TCP to write the data needed from the bar code then the IT guy will have to perform the lookup then place the data you need into a location for the PLC to read, also using MODBUS TCP. I'm sure there are other possibilities.

  3. It seems you have some misunderstanding of how your PLC and VisiLogic operates. The program uploaded or downloaded with VisiLogic does not contain operand values. However, there is a facility to do that. Go to Connection/Export PLC Operands (to text or binary file) while connected to the old PLC. After that completes, do the reverse with the new PLC.

    You can also do something similar with an SD card, but the PLC program must be set up to allow that.

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  4. For hourly, compare the System operand, RTC Time.Minutes, to zero (for top of the hour, or 30 for half-past the hour, etc). When equal, execute your task. For each day, compare the system operand, RTC Date.Day Of Week, or RTC Date.Day of Month.

  5. On 5/19/2019 at 7:28 PM, Ausman said:

    I haven't actually tried this on an earlier version of Visi to see whether the same principle applies.....too scared I'll stuff something crucial up!

    @Ausman, here is what I do. I have many installed versions of VisiLogic (13 at last count and I haven't yet installed 9.8.90) that I use regularly via Version Swapper. Occasionally one of the installations will get hosed up for whatever reason. I have started to keep an extra copy of each installation on a backup drive. That means copy the entire contents of each VisiLogic folder as it exists in the "Program Files (x86) / Unitronics" folder. You can easily restore any hosed up installation by copying the good backup over the hosed up version and you're back in business in a matter of seconds. Disk space is cheap and having a backup of your VisiLogic installation saves a lot of time in the event of a problem.

  6. First of all, why is your formula outputting a REAL number? You should avoid that if at all possible. Do your calculations with integers and keep track of the decimal place (in your mind) as you go. Then you can use the number to whatever decimal precision you require with some simple math.

    The timer Preset is in milliseconds, so if you want the preset to be 6 seconds, use the number 6000. If the preset is 3 minutes & 40 seconds, then the preset value would be 220,000. Make sure your calculated value is in milliseconds (do whatever math is required to obtain milliseconds), then place that number into the Preset operand.

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