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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. Assuming you don't want to simply hide the indicator light to make it blink (i.e. show the light there but make it go gray or black or white to show the blink off condition), then I would assign zero to the blink off image and assign 1 - 4 for the other 4 colors and use SB 3 to alternate the list of images value between your assigned color and the off color. The following two lines of code allow you decide whether or not to blink and then blink the light between the current assigned color and the "Off" color. MI 1 would be the link for the List of Texts by Pointer.


  2. 3 hours ago, Dz! said:

    but is there a limitation on the side of CPU power of the PLC?

    I have run large MODBUS data exchanges between two PLCs on every PLC scan (not every 500ms, but at a rate of about 7ms - the scan time of the running program) without any issues whatsoever. I don't believe there is any issue to be concerned with.

  3. What do you mean by "store"? Where are you trying to store the number? What is the source of the number? What are you trying to do exactly?

    Floating point number operands are available (MF operands), but they are separate from the normal math and store functions. You can find them under Math / Float.

    However, depending on what you're trying to do, you should keep the number as an integer while keeping track of the implied decimal location within your logic. For a number like 6.2, just multiply by 10 and store it as 62. You can display it properly on the HMI without any further math.

  4. Of course there is a practical limit, but I haven't run into it. When you consider that Ethernet runs at 100 Mbit/s, simple math says that in 500ms you could exchange 50 Mbits. Of course there is overhead, so I'll divide that by 2, giving 25 Mbits. Divide that by the 32 bits for your INT32 registers, then you get 781,250 INT32s can be exchanged. I'm sure there are other factors of importance here and there is a MODBUS limit of 256 bytes per request, which will be your primary limiting parameter.

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  5. The input from the PT100 sensor will be placed in the operand you select in the HW Configuration. It will have a resolution of tenths of a degree (you can select either C or F). The value will have an implied decimal (i.e., 102.6 degrees will have the value 1026 in the integer operand you select).

    You can then display that on the HMI screen using the HMI Numeric function and selecting 1 decimal place in the configuration box for the numeric variable display.

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  6. Thanks, DanT. I do know about this function and have used it in the past, but I am always reluctant to put something like this into regular use until I fully understand how it works. There should be an entry in the Help file on this function and I do not see it. I also notice that it doesn't include any System Operands, which is important for the programmer to know in advance (one reason why I'd like to see information in the Help file).

  7. There are other resources available that are more suited to your needs. Unitronics offers a number of video tutorials for programming and their installation guides for the I/O modules show how to perform the wiring. This forum is more suited for answering specific questions by users who are involved in a project.

    There are also some forum users here that are willing to provide programming, and even training, for hire. Post in the forum topic "Projects Seeking Programmers" if this is what you are seeking.

    Please keep in mind that this is a user community -  the forum users and moderators are volunteers who do not work for Unitronics and are willing to donate some of their time to help other users. Most do not have the time to walk someone through every phase of a project.

    My best recommendation is to perform the basic research, perhaps making that part of the student exercise, make your best attempt at wiring and programming, then return here with specific questions.

  8. No, what I am saying is for there to be beginning values for integer registers exactly like what happens with timer presets. Whatever timer preset is entered into VisiLogic, even without the Power-Up checked, is transferred to the PLC when the program loads. This value is retained, can be changed, but does not have any power-up application. Often times I have programs with a large number of settings that must be entered by the customer before the program will run properly. Those settings cannot be power-ups because that may need to be changed from time-to-time and the new setting needs to be retained. If the customer enters most of the parameters but forgets some, or makes a typo while entering them, problems will ensue. I'd like to have default values entered that will allow the program to run properly without the customer intervening unless a minor tweak needs to be done.

    There is a workaround - I can have a ladder rung initiated by SB 2 that checks to see if the MI = zero, then store direct my value if true, but that's cumbersome.

  9. You can record data in either a Data Table onboard the PLC or on an SD card. On the SD card you can store the data directly from a Data Table in a format that can be read by Unitronics SD Card Suite and converted to .csv. You can also (with more difficulty) store the data directly to the SD card in .csv format. My recommendation would be to store the data in a Data Table and periodically push it to the SD card. You can read the file on the SD card directly (using SD Card Suite) without removing the card if you can go online with the PLC. Unitronics SD Card Suite is free and easy to use.

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