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ORSO2001 last won the day on October 10

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About ORSO2001

  • Birthday 10/21/1975

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  1. Hi HansCZ, you have to take a look at the "external storage" variables
  2. hi Joe, maybe I am misunderstanding the request but with the "configuration" file you can set the IP of the panel with syntax: #[NETWORK_PANEL]IpAddres= #[NETWORK_PANEL]DefaultGateway= and set the pointed IP of the slaves with syntax #[MODBUS_MASTER_TCP:SlaveName1]Ip= #[MODBUS_MASTER_TCP:SlaveName2]Port=502 or what i am wrong?
  3. hi dierkens and all, take a look at the example "Load Settings From File" located in the "communications" folder of the example...you will see how to create, modify and upload the ".ini" file. in the help book search about "Load Config - .ini from SD"
  4. hi justsmurfted, yes it is possible...as for the "A" input you can couple a variable/tag that will be also coupled with an HMI element, like numeric box, so you will able to modify it when you want...pay attention at the "retained" or "not retained" type and at its attribute "starting" or "power up" value.
  5. hi Jonathan, here a really simple example... From Pass to Code.ulpr
  6. Hi AlbertoBen the T1.current is an UINT32 variable that count milliseconds...so...using "divide" and "modulo" function you will have "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "tenths", "cents" and "thousands". so...take the inspiration from the example "num to ASCII" you will know how to convert a "number" in an "ASCII" character. UniStream_070_Num_To_ASCII.ulpr
  7. Hi JonathanS, i think that you can "encrypt" the password string...you can store the password in a buffer...than manage the buffer with the "encryption" ...store again the buffer in a string and save this in the table...at the end, to log in, insert the normal password, that will "encrypted" later then check if the string is present in the table...so...if someone will have access at the table in someway will have something that has to "decode" ...I think that this should be reasonabile if the needs is just "no human readable" string.
  8. Hi Kvlada, if the values that must be retained don't change really fast you can consider to save it in a file...so...you can upload the info from the file at each boot of the system...this means that an SD must be present but this will also guarantee that all info will be recover and a new PLC could run really quickly in case of replacement.
  9. hi Flex, until release 1.33.xxx included you can run just one istance of UNILOGIC...starting from 1.34.xxx you can run unitl 3 session. so this "error window" appear when you try to run an istance more than the possible.
  10. Hi all thanks for answer...ya maybe my "request" is not so clear...i try again...so...I am creating a replacement of a contro card; the original card can exchange data with SVS/external controller by modbus rtu; so for example has registers from adress "0" to adress "1000"; some of theser registers return the value of "process temperature", "process step", "alarms" etc...some of these return (read only) how the RS485 port is set up (ID, baud rate, parity)...in the unilogic when I create a modbus Slave istance a struct is automatically created in the global tags...in this struct i have the ID of the slave but nothing about baud rate, parity, bit format, stop bit....what tags, available for the ladder, have these info in the unilogic? i don't need these to configure the rs485 port (i know how to do) but I need these to fill modbus register and made these info available. honestly I don't know if these modbus register will be really requested/used from third party externa control (SVS etc) but these are available in the exchange data document...so I have to implement...obviously I can set a static value but this means that I will exchange "fake" data. hope that is more cleare.
  11. hi, I have to create a replacement of a control card; this card exchange data by modbus rtu (RS485); some of the registers are about SERIAL COM set up (baud rate, ID, parity etc)...I know how to have the ID...but how to have the others values in the Unilogic? thanks
  12. i did a test....i created a table of 20.000 rows; in each rows are present 10 tags of uint32 so at the end 800.000 bytes (39% of non retained memory!) to store and read; each store and read (full data table) need between 1.7/2.0 seconds...
  13. hi @mm440 i don't know what are the specification of your project, and mostly the size of your data table, but maybe you can solve your problem modifying the "strategy"...i mean...what is the frequency of the data table update? if it is in a reasonable timing you can think about use a data table with not retained memory and save/upload it from the SD (without CSV and zip files).
  14. hi @Fagus do you already check the RTC battery?
  15. hi kvlada, did you check the examples where the "num to string" UDFB is?
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