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UPLC software version for M228-12-B5F

Ferdi Laban

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Dear all,

Who can help me to get the right software for configuring and download the hardware configuration for the M228-12-B5F. I have version 3.03, but I can't select this type only  M228-12-B1 to 4. I hope somebody can help me.

Thank you in advance.


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Hi Joe,

I have got the software allready from the support, but the version they have sended has the problem I described. I have asked if they have a solution for this problem but they replied with

"The Minicon products family is obsolete for more than 10 years, I cannot provide you the requested support."

I hope somebody has a solution how to solve my the problem.

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Hi Aus,

Thank you for your reply. I have tried and I can add the PLC in the file, it's visible but now I need the right information for in this configuration file. I hope somebody can give a reply with the specifications of the M228-12-B5. I have attached what I now have added. But this need to be changed to the right values.  I have added line 201 to 207 and changed line 164 the value from 4 to 5




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  • MVP 2023

I don't think any of the moderators have experience with this old hardware, myself included.

If support is giving you the cold shoulder then all we can do is collectively noodle on the problem.  Aus had an excellent suggestion and it looks like you've made some progress.

Following the pattern, I would change the "code of the hw base" to 14 for the -B5.

Joe T.

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Hi Joe,

I think with your suggestion everything looks fine. I don't know exactly what the values should be of the slots. Can you take al look to the foto and my configuration?

Slot 00 gives a value what isn't oke in my opinion (this was allready shown when I opened the project with this sofware version). But may be you can give me the answer. (I have selected of course my added PLC)

Then we have a card M210-12-R2. This is for the communication with the M90 CANBus. I don't know if this is in slot 00 or slot 01.

I can't select this card only M210-12-R1 or R4. So I expect that I need also the PLC.CFG for this card. But also here I haven't information to what I should change it or if I can insert the needed card in the row between the 2 versions....

The PLC.CFG file I have also attached.

I hope you can help me.





Original configuration view reduced size.jpg

Backside M228_reduced size.jpg


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  • MVP 2023

The .CFG file you attached didn't have the -B5 in it.

I think you can insert the -R2 card between the -R1 and the -R4 but it won't mean anything if you don't have the right code.

Have you tried the Upload option?

Out of curiosity, what is this controller doing?

Joe T.

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Hi Joe,

The application  is a palletizer. I don't have the specs of the card and which values need to be added. I will ask this again to the support. But I haven't had any reaction on my mail after sunday.

An upload of the configuration isn't possible. I can only view, configure or download.

I hope somebody can give me the information what I need to add for the card. I think I sended the wrong PLC.CFG file, but I have it on the PC which I use for this project.

Do you think with the changes for the base rack it is enough? For the slot I also don't know what I should enter and where I should enter the value of the extra card.





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  • MVP 2023

If you're really patient you could try changing the hardware code +1 each time, but not include numbers already in use.  And take aim at more likely numbers.  I'd also have a "virgin" copy of the program to always start again with, as having a wrong number might permanently upset something.

Doing this should get you there in the end, and actually might not take that long.  You will perhaps need a soft brick wall for you to bang your head against whilst doing it, and some good coffee.  And another but.....but only if the code is actually able to be recognised by the main program, which may not be there anyway.  I guess you've already looked, but is there any way to reference the existing codes to some other accessible part of the software?

As Joe is vaguely hinting at, perhaps you need to stop all attempts and put in something newer.  But if you have a few of these things, and they are working fine, then I do see why persevering is worth it.  One of my favourite sayings is that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I have some DOS programmed PLCs still running fine, many many years after first install.

As a matter of historical value, how big is the software?  Perhaps it should go up here on the forum for posterity?

Also out of curiosity, does the program start itself (via a bat perhaps) into cmd, or do you have to do it yourself.  The reason for the ask is that perhaps it wouldn't hurt for it to be run as admin.

13 hours ago, Ferdi Laban said:

I can only view, configure or download

Without knowing the old capabilities, perhaps an upload PLC to PC is lockable on this system.  And yes......Unitronics, like many other firms, does name communication direction descriptions differently.  As in, you download something from the web to your browser/PC. But download  in Visilogic is send  it to the PLC from the PC.  So the description applies from the PLC's point of view.

cheers, Aus

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Hi Joe,

I run the programm with a batch file under Windows Xp. I will discuss with my customer what he wants. With increase with one you mean the hardware code?. But I haven't no documentation about the M228 about the slots. Do you have a manual  and can you send it to me? So I can understand how the slots are counted and what should be filled in.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear all who helped me,

For now I gave up trying to get the right hardware configuration. My customer is looking for a new installation and does not want to spend any more time in the old one for the time being. If he changes his mind and I might give it a try, I will reply on this subject.

For now I want to thank everyone who tried to help me.





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