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I need to run a signal from a pressure transducer ( 4-20mA ) over a 300m distance before it gets to the analog input on the OPLC. Is this distance too long?

At the moment the transducer supplys an input for a different PLC which is located near the transducer. Can I parallel off this input and run the signal to my V570-57-T20B 300m away ?

If its a matter of using the right size cable then what size would suite ?

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  • MVP 2023

You should have no problem running a 4-20 mA signal 300 meters- the voltage drop will be very small and you can ignore it. The problem may by in the other PLC you are connecting to. If the 4-20 input on that PLC is isolated, it will work. Unitronics connects the negative of the analog inputs to the power supply negative (non-isolated), so if your other PLC is non-isolated the signal will end there. You will probably need a loop isolator between the two.

Joe T.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You should have no problem running a 4-20 mA signal 300 meters- the voltage drop will be very small and you can ignore it. The problem may by in the other PLC you are connecting to. If the 4-20 input on that PLC is isolated, it will work. Unitronics connects the negative of the analog inputs to the power supply negative (non-isolated), so if your other PLC is non-isolated the signal will end there. You will probably need a loop isolator between the two.

Joe T.

You were saying that unitronics dont have an isolated analog input. The specs on the v200-18-e3xb snap in i/o say that it has 4 isolated analog inputs, is this ok?

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  • MVP 2014


OK, now this prompts me to read the instructions over again and get out the mulitmeter...

On the E3XB, the inputs are isolated from other signals and power supply, but not from each other (they share a common). So if you are using only one input then you can consider the input fully isolated. However if you are using other inputs, you need to consider whether any of those circuits forms a connection between the analogue common and the overall system/chassis ground. If the anser to this is "yes" then the isolation is defeated.

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