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Alternate "Start-Up" HMI screen

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  • MVP 2023

I have a need for the first screen that the user sees be something other than the "Start-Up" screen that the 570 defaults to. I remember reading something about how to handle that at one time, but can't find it now. Anyone have a suggestion for best practice on how to do this? I've tried SB2 and that didn't work. I've even tried a negative transition on SB2 and that didn't work either.

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The controller loads by default Start Up display at the fist scan. You need to load your display ("Load HMI display") at the second scan. You can perform the following logid:

SB2 to SET any MB, let's say MBn

Then - When Not SB2 AND MBn > Load Display m AND RESET MBn.

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  • MVP 2023

Cara, once a program is loaded into a new PLC I never see the splash screen again - should I? However, I didn't realize it was so easy to change - thanks for the info.

Emil had what I was looking for and that worked perfectly. Thanks! (to both of you)

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