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It is possible to create a custom HMI configured to display alarms, but that would involve extra programming. There is already a pending alarms, alarms in group, alarm details, and historical alarms display built into the VisiLogic software. What kind of customization were you looking to create?

- Alex

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This is absolutely possible. You could create a HMI screen to display the current status of events, as well as log historic information to a data table. Does it need to be an alarms display or just a status log? Does it need to be viewed via the PLC or stored? All information could be stored to SD cards if a historical log is necessary.

If you do not need to use the Alarms utilities I would recommend watching the Data Tables webinar which would allow you to configure custom tables with a real time clock, the status of outputs, inputs, strings, and system operands.


- Alex

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