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V350 Communications with Ethernet

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I am brand new to using Visilogic software and communications via LAN as a whole.

I have a V350-35-T2 PLC with a V100-17-ET2 Ethernet communications hardware installed.

I am trying to communicate to the PLC via PC.

I have never used Visilogic ladder logic I am implementing this to an existing program, and this is not my area of expertise.

Right now I have this logic (also attached): power up bit> SB ethernet: Card exists > PLC NAME > TCP/IP CARD INIT > TCP/IP SOCK INIT Socket 1

The local Ethernet connection is IP Subnet Mask and Gateway. The PC IP is

With this set up can i connect the plc to the router and access it with the PC using the wireless?

Do i have to assign the plc and pc different addresses, and where can i find them. Also where to i input the information in this logic, and then how to i access the plc remotely.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as i lack any knowledge in this area.


Ladder logic.docx

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I got the pc and the PLC communicating now, i found an example on a forum and made to to what i needed which ended up like this:

SB2 Power-up bit > PLC NAME > TCP/IP CARD INIT > TCP/IP SOCK INIT Socket 1.

after playing around with the inputs for this logic i got the PLC talking with the PC via Ethernet with a common hub (router).

What I need to accomplish now is displaying the entire HMI on the PC and having total remote control of it. Anyone have experience displaying the HMI remotely on their PC fully accessible? Also if this PLC was relocated to a different network all that would have to be changed is the assigned PLC address correct?


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Yes, you can connect with a PLC and control it using Unitronics Remote Operator which is available in the downloads section of our website:


If you stay within the same local network you will be able to remote connect to the PLC from your PC as long as they have two seperate IP addresses using remote operator. As long as the PLC is not actively communicating on the same Socket you will be able to connect and control the PLC. You can set the IP of the PLC within the TCP/IP Card Init function block.

If you wish to remotely connect when off the network or via internet you will need to set up port forwarding and obtain a static IP from your internet provider. Yes, you are correct if located on another network you can address it simply by changing the IP address.

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Thanks for your reply! I was able to get everything figured out right after I read your post.

I cannot get my 'Binary Images" to appear in the remote operator. I have tried changing the background colors and such.

possibly the Binary images used must be saved on the PC using the remote operator? I have attached a document showing the image on the remote operator and below it what is to be displayed if functioning as desired.



Binary images.docx

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Yes, you are correct. When using remote operator the PC you are connecting with does not automatically include the image files within the PLC program. This will result in the images on the PLC not being displayed or fonts being distorted.

To correct this you can create a cache .urc file within VisiLogic, or through Remote Operator.

To create a file within VisiLogic select Project, then Create Project Files, then select the HMI Displayes (.ura, .urc) tab. Click create file and save the .urc file to a local drive. You can then select the Cache File icon located next to the connection icon within Remote Operator. Select Import Cache File and select the .urc file that you previously saved.

If you do not have access to the project file you can directly create the .urc through use with Remote Operator. To do this select the cache File icon and select Create Cache File (*.urc) From PLC. Define a file name to be saved and select next. Remote Operator will then read the fonts and images from the PLC and create a .urc file. During this time the PLC will continue running although the HMI will not be visable during System mode.The file will be saved within the Unitronics/ Remote Operator/ Libraries/ Resources/ Cache Files folder if you wish to access it at a later time.

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  • 5 years later...

I am new to programming Visilogic. I was able to download my first program using V350 device. In my ladder Diagram, I set my plc name, initialized my tcp/ip card init and my socket 0 to local port 20000 being a client.

But then, having disconnected and trying to reconnect again, I found out that I could not bring it online. I already matched my TCP/IP settings with what I had written on my initialization.

I hope someone can solve problem...


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  • MVP 2023

Looking at your attached program, you do not initialize a socket. The default for Socket 0 is Port 20000 and UDP protocol. You cannot use UDP protocol for PC-PLC communications. The default for Socket 1 is port 20256 and TCP protocol. Use that.

Read the VisiLogic Help file on Ethernet.

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/15/2013 at 3:13 PM, Joel Lightner said:


I am brand new to using Visilogic software and communications via LAN as a whole.

I have a V350-35-T2 PLC with a V100-17-ET2 Ethernet communications hardware installed.

I am trying to communicate to the PLC via PC.

I have never used Visilogic ladder logic I am implementing this to an existing program, and this is not my area of expertise.

Right now I have this logic (also attached): power up bit> SB ethernet: Card exists > PLC NAME > TCP/IP CARD INIT > TCP/IP SOCK INIT Socket 1

The local Ethernet connection is IP Subnet Mask and Gateway. The PC IP is

With this set up can i connect the plc to the router and access it with the PC using the wireless?

Do i have to assign the plc and pc different addresses, and where can i find them. Also where to i input the information in this logic, and then how to i access the plc remotely.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as i lack any knowledge in this area.


Ladder logic.docx


Am also trying to communicate  between my PC and plc using the Ethernet. i got this Ethernet card V200-19-ET2 from unitronics just recently.

Am having similar logic like Joel's.....POWER UP BIT>PLC NAME>TCP/IP CARD INIT>TCP/IP SOCKET INIT (socket 1)

My Ethernet connection to PLC IP address is net mask is gateway is

My PC is on same router with IP address

Am having problem establishing communication between the two.


NOTE! am using DYNAMIC IP.   Could this be the reason?

I really need an expert assistance here. thanks guys

comm via ethernet.vlp

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