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Windows 8 Communications Issue

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I have had Windows 8 Running Visilogic Software successfully for the past 6 Weeks. After an issue with our Domain we had our IT support company change Passwords and had to re-join notebooks to our Domain. Once we did this, we were unable to communicate with our Vision PLC's via Serial using Prolific USB-Serial Converter. We are using latest drivers and correct chip set. We have a Communications Driver Error (206). I have tried separate Windows 8 notebook with same result. I run Visilogic software as Administrator and same result. Software runs up fine but can not communicate. Have tried other cables and checked that worked on XP machine. Any Ideas.


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  • MVP 2023

You've probably already checked this, but confirm that the COM port didn't change. Go into Device Manager and check which COM port your USB-Serial Converter is using and make sure it matches the one in the VisiLogic Communication Settings. Also, while you're there, make sure the USB-Serial Converter is enabled and functioning properly in Device Manager.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • External Moderators

A customer of mine have the MJ10-22-CS35 usb-rs232 converter from Unitronics. the converter was working in Windows XP but now he have a new laptop with Windows 8 64 bits and the converter doesn't work.

Do you know where to get the drivers for Windows 8?

Is there anyone with Windows 8 and MJ10-22-CS35?

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