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Visilogic Serial com Trouble

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Hye Everybody,

I'm in trouble trying to communicate with my V570 through the com1 port of my new Laptop.

I'm under Win 7 ultimate.

When trying to get PLC info i've got this error message :

Communication : Unable to synchronize with the PLC.


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

following by the window error message : Driver Error(206), unable to communicate with the PLc ...

I can send and receive Datas from a third party software like the hyper terminal using RS232 communication.

For info, I can connect from my other Wind 7 desktop Pc without any problems.

So, anybody could have an idea :-)


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Dear Fantasia83,

I'm in trouble trying to communicate with my V570 through the com1 port of my new Laptop.

In your post you refer to your PCs COM 1 port, but in your image it shows up as COM 5. May be its due to this.

I too use Win 7 Ultimate without any problems


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Hye Ron,

Thanks for your answer and you right about the COM port.

I'm using a USB to Serial Adaptator witch is defined as COM5 linked to the COM1 of the PLC.

Uing a terminal software i can send/receive datas, but it seems that visilogic couldn't etablish the connection to the PLC.

Thanks for your suggestions

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Hi Fantasia83,

What Baud Rate are you using in the Terminal Software to Communicate with the PLC?

I know the Vision 570 is best Communicated with at 115200 Baud.

If the PLC hasn't been "Configured" to use 57600 Baud, VisiLogic will send a "Break Signal" over Serial, then Set the PLC's Parameters to 9600 Baud and then to the User Selected 57600 Baud.

Give 115200 Baud a try and see if that works for you.

I am assuming you are running a fairly recent version of VisiLogic? Say Version 8.6.2 or 8.6.3?

Another option to try is before opening VisiLogic, Right-Click the Icon and select "Run as Administrator".

Hope this works for you ;)

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Hye men, thank for replies !

What Baud Rate are you using in the Terminal Software to Communicate with the PLC?

'I use 9600 bps with the terminal software on visilogic 8.6.3'

The PLc use the com1 to communicate with a PC using 9600,8,N,1,OFF.

So when trying to communicate even trying several Visilogic Speed (9600 - 57600 - 115200) i've got the same prob.

Visilogic send a break signal then Open the Comport with 9600 bps then display the Driver window Err code (206) then the state unable to synchronize.

Using the PLC sniffer, i'd monitored the Tx, Rx data after pressing the Get Plc information button on Visilolgic Communication window :

1) PLC Receive a '*'

2) PLC Transmit /A00CPF3

3) PLC Receive /00CPC1T0BFFFF45

Another option to try is before opening VisiLogic, Right-Click the Icon and select "Run as Administrator".

'Tested but nothing more.'

Thank fot your help :-)

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Hrmm... bit of a hard one to fix!

When the PLC Receives a "*" that means an Unknown Character - which usually means the PLC has a different Baud Rate to the PC.

I think the 2) and 3) should be around the other way ;)

3) The PC is sending the "Synchronize" to 115200 Baud Command

2) The PLC is replying saying "Yup, we have Synchronized" to 115200 Baud!

So that means the Synchronizing is kinda working.

Could you try the following and see if your USB to Serial Adaptor has these settings:

1) Click on the Start Menu

2) Right-Click "Computer"

3) Click "Properties"

4) Click on "Device Manager" (Top Left Panel)

5) Click on a Tab Named "Ports (COM & LPT)"

6) Right-Click on "USB Serial Port (COM5)"

7) Click "Properties"

8) In the Properties Window, Click the "Port Settings" Tab

9) Check the Bits per Second, Data Bits and what not in that section

10) If there is an "Advanced" Button, Click on it

11) Hopefully you can take a screenshot of the Advanced Settings Window and Post it here.

Sorry about it being a LONG list of steps - Microsoft love to tuck all these more advanced settings away!

Hopefully you can follow the steps and provide me with more information so we can get it working :)

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Thanks Hash,

I made your suggestion but unable to synchronize the port :-(

Here is the screenshot about the advanced settings.


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

I'll try another adaptator.

That that i don't understand is why PLC can receive and transmit data ( saw with the sniffer) and why the driver say ;

Unable to synchronize!

thanks for help :-)

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Thanks for posting up the info!

I can't see anything that is wrong with your system or settings - So I would have to agree it must be the USB to Serial Adapter.

Not all of the USB to Serial Adapters correctly "Emulate" a "Real" Serial Port - so you have to be careful when buying one ;)

Good luck with trying another adapter!

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