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im trying to make use of the relay outputs on the V200-18-E1B card.


V0 is connected to negative

V1 is connected to positive or (V2 of pnp/npn outputs)

Im using a 12v led light as a test and it works fine using normal outputs(O10p)


Is there something else im missing so that i can use the Relay Outputs...


Kind Regards




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  • MVP 2023

I'm guessing V0 is a type - 0V is supposed to be connected to the negative of the supply.


V1 must be connected to the power supply + to power the internal relay coils.  This does not supply power to the contacts - you must provide that yourself externally.  A test light will light on the PNP output O10p because power comes from within the module.


Joe T.

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I'm guessing V0 is a type - 0V is supposed to be connected to the negative of the supply.


V1 must be connected to the power supply + to power the internal relay coils.  This does not supply power to the contacts - you must provide that yourself externally.  A test light will light on the PNP output O10p because power comes from within the module.


Joe T.

0V is connected to negative power source

V1 is connected to positive power source


Then on relay output O5 it has its own 2 connections.

1 for Negative input and 1 for Positive output


Ive connected a negative incoming to O5 negative terminal.

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In addition to the point that Joe mentions:


Can you hear the relays click?

I note you are using a 12V test LED. This may be just what you had on hand for testing, but note that the module requires 24V on V1 and V2.

Yes i can hear them click when i press the button that is running the Output.


The normal outputs can run on 12v as i have tested those.

Does the relay outputs need 24v

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