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Hello Denis,


Thank you for using our Forum.


Unfortunately, we do not support replacements of controller backlights.  However, you can try to adjust the backlighting by changing the value in SI9. 


If this does not resolve the issue, please contact our tech support at support@unitronics.com to resolve this matter.


Thank you.


Thanks Shane


I already tried SI9 and made no difference.


Might just get a new unit.


Thanks again.


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The only way to replace the backlight on a V280 is to find a donor and do a transplant.  It's a pretty easy swap.  I have a customer who has a habit or washing down his V280 cabinets with the doors not secured, which tends to kill main board.  I keep a couple of his dead units handy specifically to harvest the screen or keyboard from.


Otherwise you have to buy a new one.


Joe T.

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