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Copy file from SD to NAS

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There is a sample project available in the new 9.0 version.

Where you can copy SD to FTP ( Vision is FTP client ).

I also work on a project to save to a NAS.

I have configured the NAS as a FTP server.

Late me know when it is working,

I am out of time to test the hole thing

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New 9.0 version??? Where?


There is a sample project available in the new 9.0 version.

Where you can copy SD to FTP ( Vision is FTP client ).

I also work on a project to save to a NAS.

I have configured the NAS as a FTP server.

Late me know when it is working,

I am out of time to test the hole thing

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  • MVP 2023

Details, details!


I haven't played with this yet as I have the bad habit of developing customer code with the beta software. Then I have explain to them where to find a copy of it. Then they have a question on a new feature and the Help isn't written yet.

In other words, proceed with caution.

Joe T.

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