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Marketability of Unitronics

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I believe Unitronics offers a good product at a reasonable price.  My main issue with Unitronics is the lack of people that are familiar with their product and more importantly how to support their products.  While there are many programmers around, I often find myself back to the larger manufacturers where I know programmers are a commodity.  While the unitronics products can do almost anything I can imagine, my issue is that I can't find people who can work with them efficiently.


Any thought to offering a job board for programmers.  I understand programmers don't represent the Unitronics brand, however the lack of competent and Unitronics effiecient programmers facilitate my decision to choose other PLC manufacturers.


Any thought on introducing a job board for Unitronics programmers? 

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Hi, we will be happy to connect you with relevant people, please send Holly.Dillon@unitronics.com information about your location and needs.

In addition, we have recently started a program for system integrators, we believe it will increae our ability to recommend people over time.

A job board is a good idea – we will see what we can do about that.

On the top of that, you are more than welcome to contact our free technical support service at support@unitronics.com and you also will find our forum quite useful for many of your questions.


Thank you for your valuable feedback!

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