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Log Alarm History to SD Card And Display the Log

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I'm doing a project where I have to save alarms to SD. I have a V570 with 2GB SD card (The SD Card is formatted with SD Card Suite). I set the SB352 (Write alarm history to SD) and it does that, it writes alarms directly to SD card. If I have some alarms in buffer (SI76 value is greater then 0) and I set SB352, the value in SI76 clears and ALARM.UAL is increasing in size. So I think the alarms are written to SD Card.

The problem is when I use the FB "Show alarms" with "Alarm history" option. It shows the history, but after a PLC Init and Reset, the history is cleared. It shows the history from PLC Memory, not from SD Card. So, my question is how should I save alarms to SD and then display them?



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Hi Serban,

The Initialize&Reset command is specifically made for debugging purposes. It initializes ALL the operands values in the PLC and is rarely used in normal system operation.

Normal PLC reset will not cause this issue.

Anyway, all alarm history is still present on the SD card, and it is available to read using Unitronics SD card tools.

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