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HMI Jumps and Excluding Certain Screens

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Using a V350.


Quick scenario:

F1 jumps to HMI 100

F2 jumps to HMI 101

F3 jumps to HMI 102

F4 jumps to HMI 103

ESC jumps to previous screen/HMI


You are the user. You are viewing HMI 5. You press F1 and go to HMI 100. You press F2 and go to HMI 101. You press F3 and go to HMI 102. Now from here, I want pressing ESC and go back to HMI 5.


I want HMI 100, 101, 102 and 103 to be completely ignored in the screen load order list. How do I go about doing this?

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The Previous Screen jump would only just to the last HMI that was active, which in your example would be HMI 101. If you want, the ESC button could always jump to HMI 5.


The issue becomes how do you know which screen you want to be the original? If the user is on HMI 102 then selects different screens the PLC will have to know that when the operator presses ESC they wish to go back to only a particular screen.


One solution for this is to have a "Set Home" button on each page. When enabled it will then trigger logic in the ladder so that when the ESC button is pressed, and a certain set home bit is active, it will jump to the desired screen.

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Basically I have the Function keys set to quick information display screens (for example F1 shows motor info, F2 shows reservoir level, etc, etc ..). Also, in my program, the ESC button is basically a 'back' button like one on a current smartphone. I want the user to be able to pull up one of the quick info screens and get right back to what they were doing before.


I'm sure my explanation is horrible. My real question is... how do I exclude a group of HMIs from the "Load Last HMI Display" list on a V350?

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  • MVP 2023

If memory serves, SB37 and SI251/252 are legacy bits and do not work with the enhanced controllers.


To make the screens dance as you describe you'll have to write PLC code to do it.  I'd suggest assigning "Display Active" bits to each of your non-function-key screens and having them set and reset each other as the screens are navigated.  Then it's a simple task to use ESC to call them.


Joe T.

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