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craft brewing automation

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Hi -


We're a manufacturer of craft brewing equipment, and we're looking to upgrade our capabilities to provide our clients with a more automated solution.  We're a very small company, but hoping that being able to provide an affordable automation package will allow us to accelerate our growth.  The attached advertisement led me to this group, and while our requirements will be similar, we would ideally like to include additional automation around recipe development and maintenance.  We also need a package that can be easily maintained, upgraded and scaled to a variety of client needs (different sized systems, configurations, etc). 


Please let me know if any of you think you might be up to the task - and while automation experience in the brewing/beverage industry would be ideal - we have enough expertise in this area to provide needed guidance. 





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  • MVP 2023

Please send your contact information to me at blanier@arc-controls.com. I'm interested in taking a look at what your requirements are for this, as I believe I can help you and this looks like an interesting project.


I am certified by Unitronics and have substantial experience in writing software to automate chemical delivery systems.


I look forward to hearing from you.


Best regards,

Barry Lanier

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Kris,


I am not sure where you are in your search process but I have designed and installed craft brewery projects utilizing Untronics controllers, more specifically the Unitronics V1210 controller.  The programming for these projects controlled both the brew house (hot water liquor tank, mash/lauter tun, kettle, and whirlpool) and the cellar (fermenters and bright tanks).  The programming was an inclusive-design based in nature in that the manufacture of the brewery equipment could configure the system for the type and number of equipment elements that were present for a particular customer.  I would be very interested in discussing with you about your design requirements if you are still searching for an automation partner.  You can contact me at bsharpeida@hotmail.com  Thank you in advance for your time.







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I would be interested in discussing your requirements for your craft brewery automation solutions.  I am familiar with craft brewery equipment and have designed, programmed and installed crafty brewery systems utilizing the Unitronics Vision 1210 controller. These systems controlled both the brew house (hot liquor tank, mash/lauter tun, kettle, and whirlpool), as well as the cellar equipment (fermenters and bright tanks).  The software was written to be a generic-based design in that the craft brewery equipment manufacturer could configure the type and number of equipment pieces for a particular customer.  If you are still looking for an automation partner and are interested please contact me at bsharpeida@hotmail.com    Thank you in advance for your time.





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