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U90 Project File Save Run-time Error 5

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I recently installed U90 Ladder v6.6.18 in a VMware v12 Win7 x64 VM (VM host machine also Win7 x64).  After defining a new project around a Jazz JZ10-11-T40 processor, I get a "Run-time error '5'" and U90 crashes when I attempt to save the project file.


Assistance will be appreciated!


Craig Bransfield

Bakersfield, CA


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  • 3 years later...

I have the same problem, I was programming normally, and now that I want to make some adjustments to the program, the moment I connect, the error comes out and I throw the software. I have it installed on windows 1O, could it be a cause of the problem ?????

I wait for your help

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  • MVP 2023

Lucas, pls refer to this Topic below.  It would appear that the latest W10 updates have broken something and the solution for now seems to be an update uninstall.  The Creators will no doubt have to look at this issue and do a fix.

cheers, Aus.



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On the 15 August we got a few complaints that customers get this run time error 5 when they are trying to download application via U90Ladder.

We investigated more and found that this is an issue caused by the latest Microsoft update.  

In order to solve this issue until Microsoft will release new update - Please try to uninstall the update via "New installed updates" or roll back before the update. 

Please see below link to Microsoft update and known issues:


*For other version of Windows Microsoft KB article number will be different.

Article can be found in the below link:



Best Regards,


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Hi All,

Good news from Microsoft!

This time you can receive announcement about new KB update.

At my W7 Pro 64 bit update is next:


If no updsate announcement received yet, usee "Check for Updates".

Update may have different KB number for different OS and OS bitness (32 or 64).

So use "More information"link to be sure that this KB fixed VB errors.



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  • 3 years later...


I was able to download the U90 software but I get the same run time error message when trying to save. I'm using windows 11 and would not want to roll back just for this single use case for a project that I'm working on. 

I have tried reinstalling and running as admin but still no progress.

Any aid or guidance you can provide would be welcomed.


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  • MVP 2023

HI Boran and welcome.

If there is no ready solution forthcoming from HO or other forum members, consider the following......

If you are using a desktop PC one method for using "old" programs, which Micro$oft is very good at wrecking through their updates, is to have your system set up with a caddy for your O/S drive.  I also have a caddy for my main "storage" drive, and have set up front panel power switches for all the drives on the system.  You can thus change your system at will very easily.  I have found that changing your O/S drive can sometimes lead to errors on other drives still on the system, so depending on job and the O/S you are loading from I might change the storage drive, or turn it/all of them off and work from saves done on usb sticks that are transferred as necessary.  If you're worried about speed and reliability issues through using caddies, I have actually found that my speeds go slightly higher, which I've always found puzzling but accept, and I've never had reliability issues.  But I only have good name units in use.

Alternatively you can set up a virtual machine on the PC, which works fine as well doing essentially the same job, although I sometimes have headaches doing all comms operations ok.

Another method which lots of people here do, me included, is have a number of older laptops with specific jobs in mind.  The ideal is one with a dedicated serial port, and many are available in good condition for tiny $s.  I have many control and device setting programs that no longer work ok on modern O/Ss and it is very frustrating when something that might only be a few years old becomes redundant.  But having laptops ready to go for a particular "era" makes things very easy.   With modern SSDs in them they are great, and pretty knock proof for onsite work.

The overall thing is developing your own method of getting around the constant O/S upgrading that is done that completely wrecks existing stuff that worked fine before.  And the original maker often can't adapt their techniques to the changed O/S, or can't justify the expense.  Welcome to the ever changing world of industrial control where seemingly simple issues can lead to a world of pain for the end user who suddenly finds their program doesn't work properly any more.  Many of us here still work on PLC systems running fine that we put in 20-30 years ago.

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023
18 hours ago, Ausman said:

Another method which lots of people here do, me included, is have a number of older laptops with specific jobs in mind.

That is exactly how I solve this problem.  I have four Dell 820s I use when some projects arise.  I have an ancient Toshiba that still boots to Windows 95 for DOS based software for customer's machines that time forgot that are still running just fine.



They're still cheap and plentiful on eBay.  Parts are readily available.  They have a real DB9 serial port.  They run 32-bit versions of Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows 10.  They will not run Windows 11.

U90 and Visilogic were initially created 20 years ago in VB6.  They are still VB6 applications, and Microsoft would very much like to erase VB6 off the list of applications that will run on their O/S.  Unitronics' R&D staff is doing their damnedest to keep up with Microsoft's Windows update charge forward, but that is a race you can't always win.  They will figure it out but their time to find a solution probably won't match your timeline to complete the project.

Sucks, I know.  Sometimes you have to go with the solution that actually works instead of beating your head against the solution that should work but doesn't.

Joe T.


P. S. - This problem is not unique.  Here in the Jolly Ol' USA the Allen Bradley PLC line has the same problem but their solution is to refuse support by labelling the product "obsolete" and requiring you to upgrade your hardware.




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