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Unistream 10 blank screen after firmware updates

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Working with a new but older Unistream 10.  Had to update firmware to be able to download a sample project.  Successfully did one go around, apparently had to do it again according to the error message.  Was using USB stick to do it.  Worked fine the first time, but the second, after reboot, screen is blank and can't communicate via Ethernet or USB.  Can't get into the back screen utility either.  Suggestions?


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I had a similar situation and found the file copied to the DOK was corrupt.  I repeated the procedure to copy the new firmware to the DOK (using the Unistream Management|Firmware Manager on the PLC tab of the  ribbon) , and then re-booted the HMI with the USB stick and it fixed the problem.

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  • 2 months later...


What solution have you find ??

I have the problem after Unistream (USP104B10)  firmware update.

The scren is blank with only "UniStream" tag on it.

I can not acces to the application menu on the corner and tried lot of time to reboot with multiple DOK type but nothing matches.


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  • 3 years later...

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