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JAZZ PID Autotunne

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Hi, Confirm you perfromed the following procedure:

  1. 1. At Power-up, SET SB109 ON.
    2. Enable the PID output (for example, if you used MB0 to enable an HSO, turn MB0 ON).
    3. Activate the Run PID MB for the loop you want to tune.
    4. Turn the appropriate Start auto-tune SB ON; activating the auto-tune function.

  1. 5. When auto-tune is complete, the SB will turn OFF, and the appropriate auto-tune is Complete SB will turn ON.

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  • 6 years later...


Can someone help me with the same problem with autotune,  I use JZ20-J-UA24 and  I control temperature with SSR on transistor Digital Output. I try with SB109 and SB101 nothing happends. I also try with  PID server it run 2,3 hour and also nothing.

I also sending you the file of the program if you need it.




Fantazija Pakerka20171116.U90

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Hi Kikis

Thanks for your help. I try that and when Auto tune finish it change the Kp, Ti and Td, but when I start the pid loop the temperature rich more then set temperature.

Does before I set SB101 I should start the PID Loop for example in my case MB0, Because I do that and after finishing the temperature variate -/+2'C?



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  • MVP 2023

I have found that Auto tuning doesn't always work well, regardless of the vendor.   

Some processes require a manual touch.

Your best option is to do some research on the Internet on loop tuning so you understand what the algorithm is supposed to do and how changing the parameters affects it.

If the variation is big it means your P value is too small.

Joe T.

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