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We have a Unitronics V350 with ethernet card and I want to communicate with a Productivity of the Red lion brand via modbus TCP / IP. Unitronics is a slave and PTV is a master. I am using a socket 2 TCP 502. In crimson 3.0 I discharged the modbus TCP / IP Master in protocol 1 for which it adds a device (Unitronics) using port 502.

How can I display in the crimson the variables from Unitronics to PTV ?

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  • MVP 2023

Just in case you're asking about addressing the V350 and not how to implement in the Red Lion, you can find the slave addressing table in the VisiLogic Help file by going to the Contents tab, then expand Communications, then Communications FBs, then expand MODBUS. There you'll find the topic "Slave Addressing".

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