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Analog Output 0-10V input a value on the hmi to run a 0-10V variable pump


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I am trying to run a 10V variable pump from a  unitronics plc unistream usp-070-b10, by inputting a value on the HMI between 0-10 volts and running it according to the users input. Not sure if it is the code of the numeric box which is on the HMI settings is wrong. The configuration settings are done correctly.




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  • MVP 2023

Hi Mikey,

I don't know Unilogic very much at all, but my looking at specs for an 0808R shows it as not having anything analogue.  Have you selected the correct module?  And also your structure looks like it using numbers way too small to work correctly.  100 is max?  Or is that 100%, or 10.0V in your setup?

Some day I will transition to Unilogic, but for now I am using the forum as part of my prior learning by watching a lot, without commenting much! But in this case, if an 0808R is selected, why is it possible to choose analogue functions when they don't exist?  Someone please explain this bit I am missing!



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  • MVP 2023

Thanks Saragini, that makes sense.  How did you arrive at the conclusion?   Just knowing what they all do?

And whilst I'm about it, although going off topic, why does HWare module manipulation pop up black writing on a black background?  I know it changes to white if you hover, but it seems a bit dumb.



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  • MVP 2023
10 hours ago, Saragani said:


By the io inputs and outputs and also by the capture of the ladder.


Sometimes you need input from "the hand that wrote all".   (From The Alchemist).

The ability to look at the config window and know which module it's for is deep and intimate knowledge.  

I am so glad that this forum has regular contributions from those who really know what's going on under the hood.  It is the mark of a company who is truly concerned about the successful implementation of their products.   

Joe T.

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On 3/20/2017 at 11:08 PM, Ausman said:

And whilst I'm about it, although going off topic, why does HWare module manipulation pop up black writing on a black background?  I know it changes to white if you


I'm not sure I understand on back text over black background you are talking about,


This is the IO Selection. Texts are white and selected IO is a light blue one.

The ComboBox has a white background.

And when opening the configuration, for example of the Analog Input 0, the window looks like this (No black text over black background).  

Can you upload a screen capture so I would know what UI are you talking about?



IO Property Grid.png

Detailed configuration.png

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  • MVP 2023

Thanks Saragini,

Firstly,  +1 to Joe's comments about forum interaction.

Secondly, it is during right clicking on modules.  The blackonblack.jpg shows the black writing.  No. 2 shows it highlighting to white if the mouse hovers, but this change to white is very erratic, changing frequently/flickering as you move the mouse tiny amounts in the area where the highlighting should be constant.  This is on my main system which is still 7 32 Home Premium.  It is only minor, but I figure it's not that hard to change to make things a bit nicer for the user.

And again sorry to Mikey for deviating this thread. 

cheers, Aus



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Well, it looks fine here. (We would not make popups transparent on purpose).

You've said that it is flickering. I'm aware of an issue I have noticed on several computers (including on one of our QA guys and also on Ofir's computer).

The issue also reproduces on the auto-complete of the ladder and in other combo-boxes and popups.



For a reason I do not understand, the background is transparent, and flickers (sometimes you see the white background), and the strange thing is that both Ofir and the QA guy have 2 monitors, and the problem reproduces on one of them, while on the other one it looks fine.

I'm suspecting hardware or driver problem on those specific video cards, or maybe a bug in the .Net framework / WPF (working with dual monitors).


Do  you have 2 monitors? If so, can you check it on other one?

In the meanwhile, I'll try searching the internet for other people that experienced transparent/flickering popups in WPF.

I do remember that we had a similar issue on Windows XP and Windows with Classic theme, where a popup menu would flicker on the Ribbon / Recent files view. (Are you using the windows classic theme?)

Maybe it's the same issue.

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  • MVP 2023

Thanks Saragini, just to clarify, it doesn't flicker "on it's own", the flicker is when you move the mouse tiny amounts over the labels.

I only have 1 monitor on this computer. 

One thing I do have that might be unusual is that I use Classic shell     http://www.classicshell.net/     This is the only way I could get around some of the Win7 annoyances, ( folder behaviour in particular, edit: another program does this, oops) and works well.

As I have said, I am only learning unilogic by program fiddling following posts on the forum.  So I only have it on this one computer. Give me a few days and I'll try things on another puter and see what happens.

cheers and thanks,


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