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Visilogic 9.8.31 tries to configure AutoCAD?!

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Guest ERHunt

When I start Visilogic, try to enter a new subroutine, or try to save my file, I am getting a popup that says, "Please wait while Windows configures AutoCAD 2017", and another on top that says, "Run Setup.exe to install AutoCAD 2017". This happens each time I try to take a new action. I am running 9.8.31 as local administrator because Visilogic tends to behave badly without it.


Why is Visilogic touching AutoCAD? Has anyone ever seen this before? Any suggestions on how to fix?

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Hi ERHunt and Joe,

It is not a Creator (VisiLogic creator) problem. This is Microsoft OS problem.

As soon as we cannot re-create such situation, we cannot test it, etc.

Please run VisiLogic installation and select "Repair". This should repair VisiLogic installation and may fix problem.

Tell us if "Repair" option corrected this error or not.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I encountered a very similar problem where a popup window asked me to run the AutoCAD 2016 installer every time I launched VisiLogic.  The software worked fine otherwise.  Running the VisiLogic installation with Repair option did not fix this popup oddity.  Solution: Uninstalled AutoCAD since I did not need it on this PC anyway.  May not be an option for everyone, but it worked for me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

All of a sudden I'm getting this issues with ACAD 2018.  I uninstalled and reinstalled VisiLogic completely and it is still an issue.  I can't even use the software.  Locks up saying it's cancelling the installer if I click cancel.  This is very strange and uninstalling ACAD is not an option.

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  • MVP 2023

Although I don't have this problem through not having ACAD, to me this definitely looks like a file format/extension issue, or a shared driver, and this is upsetting things.

I had such an issue with other programs years ago, and after heaps of messing around, the only solution was to make the computer dual boot.  Both boots were identical apart from the two conflicting programs, so I only had to change if the particular program was needed.  As all variable data was on another partition, this was an easy thing to do.  But backup all data and also do a full drive copy first in case of hiccouphs.

I would also initally be going back to a restore point prior to the install, or if not possible, running a registry cleaner after doing the uninstall.

This problem could also simply be Msoft updating something that previously worked fine b/n both programs, but now doesn't.  Mr Gates and crew sometimes have a lot to answer for.

cheers,  Aus


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